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wild boar hunting

what men say they are out doing when they are really hunting for hot babes

My husband is wild boar hunting in vermont this weekend.

by samantha and jackie May 5, 2005

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wild fetty wap

Discovered in 1798, a wild fetty wap is a one eyed bird that's famous for its singing. Commonly identified by its loud "squuaaaaaaaw" sound it makes .The Female of a wild fetty wap is known as a trap queen. You certainly dont want to come its way.

Whats that over there .. its a wild fetty wap .. "squuaaaaaaaw"

by #him December 7, 2015

wild young turkeys

group of crazy country teenage girls looking for trouble

Watch yourself, here come some wild young turkeys.

by Wolfx1 November 14, 2011

Wild Alaskan Dingbat

A shrew-like creature found mostly in the retail areas of the Anchorage, AK suburbs. It has a shrill, piercing, nasal call and is known to have large litters. The Alaskan Wild Dingbat is a fiercely territorial rodent and is known to react to stimulus with a wild barrage, often leaving it confused. Mates for life. Classified as Homo regressus.

Did you see that Wild Alaskan Dingbat on Fox News today? Wow her pelt is shiny! She thinks she's people!

by AdamAWright March 28, 2010

Wild Wing Shit

The shit following a night of dining on buffalo wings - shortly after which, amongst the rank scent of your defacation, you can smell the flavor(s) of the wings you had eaten.

May be accompanied by a chocolate sneeze.

Austen: Aw dude what's that smell? Wild wing shit?

Geoff: Oh, that? I had parmesan garlic tonight!

by DonJuan12 September 21, 2006

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Wild Monkey Dance

Another term for 'da bonk.

Dawna: Hey man, I they're doin' the wild monkey dance up there...
Jamie: I'd be happy with a damn blumpkin.

by niteowl March 30, 2004

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wild n' out

To act crazy when ya' fave songs play, when you argue, when you see a dime, etc.

She was wild n' out at the club last night when she saw her man talkin' to this trick.

by Leyley August 11, 2006

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