Source Code

Obsessive Compulsive Reloading Disorder

Common to many gamers, OCRD is the obsessive compulsive reloading of weapons in FPSs in order to maintain a full clip at any given time.

Generally this presents as reloading before and after every encounter in a game even if only 1 or 2 shots were fired and the clip has 60 rounds. A gamer with the disorder will experience the distracting need to reload if they know their clip isn't full, similar to an itch or a nervous tic of other OCDs.

In its worse presentations, OCRD will leave a player absent-mindedly reloading before the action has finished, perhaps after killing one or a few enemies while more are still shooting at the player. This leaves the player useless and vulnerable for upwards of 5 to 10 seconds.

Gamer's friend: "Why are you so shit now? You used to be awesome at CoD."

Gamer: "Ah man. I have OCRD (Obsessive Compulsive Reloading Disorder) bad! I keep having to reload needlessly in the middle of action and getting raped because of it. It's ruining everything and I just can't stop myself."

Gamer's friend: "Oh yea man, we've all had that. Sucks to be you, I guess."

by Gdwlf December 13, 2010

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Posttraumatic Among Us Disorder

Posttraumatic Among Us Disorder (PAUD) is a disease that can accure after prolonged exposure to content involving the popular 2018 video game "Among Us".
About 30% of people that have been in contact with memes or videos from this game get this disease.
Victims of this disease have traumatic flashbacks everytime they hear one of these phrases:
"Among Us", "Suspicious", "Sus", "Sussy", "Amongus"
In extremely severe cases even hearing "Us" is enough to elicit a response.
After hearing one of these phrases the patient can sometimes get emotionally unstable, go insane, mumble said phrase multiple times, or sometimes in extreme cases, even experience a stroke.
There is currently no cure for this disorder and therapeutic treatment has little to no effect.

we have to decide this matter among us.
you are looking kind of suspicious.
you have Posttraumatic Among Us Disorder too? that's kinda sus.

(extreme example that causes severe symptoms)
when the impostor is sus.

by Among Us Mental Patient June 2, 2021

Drive-through Anxiety Disorder

A newly identified mental health disorder describing an intense anxiety state that can arise, out of the blue, when one experiences nearly intolerable pressure to order the right food items in the fast food drive-through.

Suddenly I was sweating, paralyzed by a disabling fear, as I contemplated whether or not my wife had wanted cheese on her burger; then when I saw the commercial on DAD, or Drive-through Anxiety Disorder, I no longer felt so desperately alone.

by Dr Bunnygirl September 2, 2019

Anti-Social Personality Disorder

Definately NOT to be confused with someone who is Asocial. AsPD is a Personality Disorder characterised by behaviour which is deemed anti-social such as wreckless driving, superficial charm, pathological lying, criminal versatility, sexual promiscuity and much more.

AsPD is the most difficult personality disorder to treat as it effects people on both a psychological and genetic level.

Jeffrey Dahmer, Ted Bundy and Charles Manson had varying forms of Anti-Social Personality Disorder.

by Sociowrath June 21, 2013

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Blog Addiction Disorder (BAD)

Extreme craving for blogging.

An extension of the Internet Addiction Disorder or (IAD).

WhatΒ΄s going on with Sara? She looks so weird.
ItΒ΄s a BAD day today for her.
HowΒ΄s that?
Blog Addiction Disorder (BAD). No Internet connection for the last hour an a half so, no blogging no life.

by rperazag May 8, 2010

97πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

Obsessive Kid Cudism Disorder

Can be shortened to OKCD. Commonly found in teenagers that engage in illegal activities (such as smoking marijuana). Symptoms include feeling the need to skip school to go to cudi concerts, periodically posting cudi lyrics as your Facebook status, experiencing elation and relaxation only while listening to cudi songs, and bonding with other people simply on the basis of a mutual love for the same artist.

My friend Stan exhibits all the symptoms of Obsessive Kid Cudism Disorder and I'm worried that he may have to seek professional psychiatric help very soon.

by StanTheMan1227 November 3, 2010

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fist related teeth disorder

A phrase coined by the character Lister on the British TV show "Red Dwarf". Used as a threat.

I didn't get a chance to tell you earlier, but earlier today I discovered Mr. Rimmer is suffering from a stress related nervous disorder.

When I get done with him, he's gonna be suffering from a fist related teeth disorder!

by Alex Stockwell April 17, 2009

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