Giving your lover a rimjob, after a night out when you'd rather do anything else
Mavis was choking down a birthday donut after a wine and cheese night.
-So basically down dreadful mean when you can’t save someone he at a next level of (down bad) and more down than (down horrendous) but in case that’s same as down bad
sentence 1: This mofo is godamn dd (down dreadful) he litteraly makin an incest joke’s nobody was laughing and he (add sauce)/he was to step up the joke, he was down dreadful this day.
sentence 2: An example: from (neon genesis evangelion) when shinji enter in the -Room- he was dd as hell!
(negative) a person who frequently uses the down arrow button on their keyboard.
Person A: *presses down button 17 times within the span of 3 seconds*
Person B: Eugh, stop being such a down button downer.
i'm down you make beats??? if not we can find a non profit one!
im down you make beats??? if not we can find a non profit one!
A word used to describe a kid who is retarded.
The kid with downs stuck a spoon up his house.