The disgusting nuggets of cheese that you get when you don't mix the powdered cheese properly in box mac and cheese
Never eat Mike's mac and cheese, there is always cheese nuggets in it
try it
muhammad: ALLAH TOLD ME TO EAT Mac and Cheese with Grape Jelly EVERY DAY
When you lose a cheese but then you find it again later in a nook or cranny and have an unexpected, tasty treat.
I had a cheese discovery while cleaning my room today.
No this is mac and cheese with a fuck load of extra cheese making the cheese to macaroni ratio to be highly unbalanced in favour of cheese it is the food of the gods.
guy 1: hey bro you want some macaroni with that cheese guy 2: fuck off denis you clapped prick cheese and mac is the food of the gods
When you can't ejacilate for an extended period of time. Your man juices curdle into standing cheese
Yo I shot a huge load of standing cheese last night, that shit stank
The labia of a vegetarian
I am told that vegetarians do not have beef curtains but instead cheese curtains