Source Code

Catholic Cathedral

Sex role play where the women plays Quasimodo and the man plays his bells. Quasimodo pulls on the man’s balls like the cord of the bells and the man makes noise.

FrolloQuasi i heard your bells scream all night. I’m done with this Catholic Cathedral.”

by Csprings June 1, 2023

St. Gregory the Great Catholic Elementary School

A place where happiness , joy and laugher goes to die in the town of Oakville which is home to rich old white people. All the good teachers leave and half the students are back stabbing , rumour spreading wanna be regina George's .The education is non existent and the teachers bump up the grades of dumb rich kids to keep their parents happy.With Teachers who are tired of their lives and make an effort to deplete happiness if ur parents plan to send u there I'm sorry to inform u that they hate you.

I have depression

can be rephrased as....
I go to St. Gregory the Great Catholic Elementary School

by December 4, 2021

Catholic Mom

Things You Should Never Say To a Catholic Mom:

1. I'm sure your son will want to play with my Catholic toys.

Why it's offensive: Because your own little boy may never be Catholic, so you wouldn't understand. You don't know our secret, so don't even attempt to claim that you know our boys' favorite toys!

2. My kid is becoming more Catholic every day!

Why it's offensive: My child is not "becoming Catholic." Only Mother Theresa or Mother Teresa could speak to my child on a personal level.

3. Would you like to see the priest today?

Why it's offensive: Why would I want to see a priest? My Catholic faith is personal, and my son is not ready to go around asking people to make promises they can't keep. He is more concerned with driving cars, playing with animals, or his chicken.

4. My daughter is becoming more Catholic every day!

Why it's offensive: Because she is not. She is just my daughter. It is highly offensive to suggest that she is "becoming Catholic" because you don't know our secret.

5. My child does not understand Catholic prayers.

Why it's offensive: Do you understand what the F-word means? Do you know how to use a bedpan? Do you speak to your toddler like that?

6. I don't know why people are so judgmental.

Why it's offensive: Because you've never heard me getting on the phone with the delivery guy at Dominick's for 10 minutes because our cat didn't get her salad order right. It's called Motherhood, folks!

7. My son's Catholic school is making him go to mass.

Why it's offensive: Because your son's Catholic school is making you get him out of bed in the morning, make him go to mass, force him to participate in the sacraments, and make him listen to anything other than rap or country music for four hours.

8. I can't believe you'd let your kid go to that Catholic school!

Why it's offensive: You're not going to stop your child from going to public school, so why are you so concerned with mine?

9. My child is coming home with art projects. You know, the kind of stuff a nun wouldn't appreciate.

Why it's offensive: Because you're assuming that all art projects made by little boys are rough, violent, and inappropriately sexual. You know nothing about art, you fruitcake.

10. I'm not Catholic, so I don't need to send my child to Catholic school.

Why it's offensive: You're not Catholic, either! So how dare you criticize my choices? Who do you think you are?

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(This article was originally published at Catholic Mom.)

by Drapen November 20, 2022

Jews vs Catholics

A variation of Freeze tag where three people play as children one person a rabbi and one person a priest. The priest molests the children making them freeze, the rabbi unfreezes them and the children have try not to get molested

Jews vs Catholics was my favorite game growing up

by Funny ape June 27, 2022

Catholic Martin

He has knowledge of demons, corny, he calls his girlfriend. He is religious, but not in a bad way, he's one of the good ones. His faith gives you faith. He wears glasses sometimes. He can't cook, but he can clean.

Catholic Martin, why are you gae?

by Deejohn September 3, 2023

catholic babes

lengerz in which are catholic

dayum thats one catholic babes

by Drewboodidjfudnfjg October 13, 2022

A cathole

An asshole person, who’s cats define their life.

God carol is such a cathole

by Daily dick July 11, 2018