The text equivalent of a condiment; an inside joke made in script. Usually a randomly posted comment to a persons "wall" that typically makes sense only to the poster and postee.
I have wall sauce splattered all over my facebook page. Everyone probably thinks I'm a weirdo.
The water (and any additional contents) of a toilet that splashes upward and onto the nether regions when butt release makes high-speed contact with the surface. When violent enough, this may produce a "plopping" sound.
I dropped a deuce without laying down some TP first and my gooch got painted with plop sauce!
What you wipe your spooge off with after masterbating.
My wife found my sauce rag last night behind the couch. She was pissed
adjective; to call someone or to call something, "cut sauce" is to say that it/they are a weaker version or just not adding up.
E.X. That ninja warrior is cut sauce.
Sharing the source material of nsfw content
Person A: Sittin here with my dry fry, can someone pass the sauce?
Person B: *Source*
Something so disastrous that it cannot be reversed. A REALLY STICKY SITUATION.
Dude, I got bad news. How bad? Sauce on the keyboard bad.
A life changing quote by Awesome Huggy Wuggy. Video was made on tiktok, showing the fall of horror.
Guys, what one is your favorite? Huggy Wuggy, Seek, scary Blue, Zumbo Sauce, Banban, Nabnab… Um, I forgot his name, the frog dude, and, um, yeah. Snow Seline, Banbalina, Stinger Flynn, Opila Bird, and Awesome Huggy Wuggy. This is, uh, me but like I don’t wanna use it. Blue and, uh, I mean, um, Kissy Missy, Killy Willy, um, Choo Choo Charles, right, Boxy Boo but like not evil, and we have evil Boxy Boo. We have Squid Game Huggy Wuggy. We have baby Huggy Wuggy, and Blue, and Freddy Fazbear, oinky oink oink. We have creepy Green. We have happy Huggy Wuggy. Look how happy he is, and we have "What the hell?" We have nobody cares Huggy Wuggy.