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Asshole faceman

A person that talks so much shit, that there face to you looks like an ass. They are cocky, but unattractive, yet they think they are the shit. They are commonly mistaken for duchebags, but dont be fooled.

Chris mundy thinks he is the shit, but everyone knows he is an asshole faceman.

by Shadacancer May 1, 2010

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benevolent asshole

(noun) a person who performs a charitable act for non-assholes, while at the same time being an asshole toward other assholes.

When traffic is merging down to a single lane, and assholes are using a partial lane to cut traffic, a benevolent asshole will block the partial lane, while maintaining his/her rightful place in line, thus preventing other assholes from cutting in line.

by I-66 Driver September 8, 2010

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satan's asshole

The DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles). First used by comedian Dane Cook, it describes what it's like to wait in line for hours with no air conditioning with whiny kids, smelly cocksuckers, and people talking on their god damn cell phones, just so you can get your driver's license.

I had to get my driver's license from satan's asshole today.

by Illinois Joe October 8, 2004

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Paper Asshole

A guy who talks a lot of shit but fails to deliver. I.E a fraud, a fake, or a phony.

Yo Mike R. really thinks he's tough but he ain't shit but a paper asshole.

by Projectpat1983 June 1, 2016

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Asshole Teacher

A man who is typically a substitute teacher, whether it be in High school or any lesser form.

Tends to believe he is higher than all other forms of life, especially damn hooligans.

Tends to walk around a room, with his back straightened, arms out wide, trying to look tougher than he really is. Forgetful, with things such as attendance or how to spell a name. When standing in place, tends to hold hands behind back, while staring at you like if you come near him, he will bite your head off.

Also believes he runs the place, when really he has no clue what is going on.

"That asshole teacher is everywhere I go! I had him for british writers again and he forgot the attendence."
"HEY! I have 21 written down and I see 22, I'm gonna have to go through the entire class again and take attendance"

by BK aka Fonzie March 2, 2009

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chapstick asshole

The hole that appears in the middle of your chapstick. Created by the motion of the central screw as you twist it to move the lip balm up the tube. Collects mushy chapstick debris and god knows what else. Cringeworthy.

Ew the chapstick asshole has appeared. O chapstick, your time has come, too soon. *chuck*

by mealy3.0 November 20, 2008

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Asshole nasty

origin: midwest suburbs
1.)Refers to one being nasty in the sense that they are dirty and undesirable for sexual purposes, and/or any other purpose that requires someone to be clean, groomed and presentable in public or private.
2.) To be so nasty as to resemble the smell, color, or shape of an anus.
- more commonly known as: Ass-nasty

Tyrone: "Oooh look at that girl over there, she thick as hell. I wanna hit that".
Billy Bob: "Are you serious man? That chick is ASSHOLE NASTY. I would have sex with her her if she was the last woman on earth".

by An Immature Professional December 6, 2008