Source Code

Laugh at the fat kid

What you say out loud when you see a overweight, chubby, chunky, fat kid

Fatass John walks down the street stuffing his face with a large bucket KFC

Bill:"Hey everybody, Laugh at the Fat Kid!

by MJlives January 9, 2011

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You Laugh You Lose

A facebook-based image board with amusing, strange, insulting and horrifying content in equal measure. It takes the form of a game where you have to keep looking at new photos until one makes you laugh, which will invariably happen at some point or other.

Includes current popular 'memes' and a hefty does of racial, class, gender and sexuality based humour. In this sense it's like 4chan but a little less extreme due to everyone's identity being known. Pictures also often rely on members of the group's sense of Schadenfreude in relation to the stupid, the ugly and the recently deceased.

Yo did you check that guy's upload on You Laugh You Lose last night?
-Sure did, I made it about a dozen photos but then lost bad on that one about Heath Leger!
Ha - you're in it for the lulz bro!

by therizzlebizzle February 4, 2010

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LWL = Little Wayne Laugh

The state of laughing but laughing in th way Lil Wayne does. Also "Tahahaha" could be considered as LWL. LWL also takes place of LOL (Laugh Out Loud). In this case replace LOL with LWL or lwl.

Dude Clerks 2 was funny bro! Remember when they met pickle fucker lwl. (LWL = Little Wayne Laugh)

by onilotnA ytnA September 13, 2010

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Laugh My Off Ass

LMOA for short. means that your laughing on your off branded ass or your laughing on your crooked ass

Me: You hungry?
Christy: LMOA NO

*LMOA = Laugh My Off Ass*

by mishb June 20, 2021

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Fly High Laughing (FHL)

To describe your extreme feeling when laughing at a joke so hard, that makes you feel you are actually high laughing at it.

eg. Jack " Hey I just lost my nuts at a ball". Sam "you gotta be kidding me, I am Fly High Laughing (FHL)"

by Meditating Lion January 8, 2012

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Over Actively Laughing Disorder

When a person (usually an over-happy girl) laughs constantly in every situation. Is often diagnosed with Over Actively Smiling Disorder (OSD).

All of those girls suffer from Over Actively Laughing Disorder! They must have strong abs.

by zoeeeeeey February 16, 2010

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I laugh In Ya Face

A phrase coined by what may be the most devastatingly Puerto Rican individual on the planet (Beat that, Ricky Martin!), meant to convey contempt for the individual it is directed towards. This is usually caused by calling sudden attention to someone's face, which is something people put a lot of effort into and are extremely self-conscious about. This phrase was created by inadvertant intellectual Lewis Camacho, which goews to prove the theory that seven thousand monkeys typing on seven thousand keyboards for seven thousand years will eventually create the complete works of Shakespeare.

You actually paid MONEY for that Justin Timberlake CD? I LAUGH IN YA FACE!

by Weeeeeeezull September 15, 2003

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