A phrase used when the quality or state of things in the present are so assy, terrible, annoying, or otherwise agitating, that a sovereign territory of utter ass is created
*you're getting your ass kicked at FIFA by St. Vincent & the Grenadines*
"Well this is just ASS NATION!"
When spicy or bad foods cause indegestion leading to diarrhea. The common feeling of lava running out of your sphincter.
spicy food in , and spicy food out
"I dont think its a good idea to eat all this spicy food, you might get lava ass later."
1👍 1👎
When you stick a lollipop in ones asshole and swirl it around than removing and sticking the lollipop in your mouth or your partners.
Damn that girl took that ass lollipop like a champ!
1) Floating wreckage in the toilet after taking a crap.
2) Debris and refuse from taking a shit. Not quite solid, but not quite water.
I had the flu last week. Man, you should have seen the Ass Flotsam in the toilet.
I trusted that fart and ended up with Ass Flotsam in my underwear.
Runny grunts Diarreha diahorrea runny-bum tsunami shit
Using an electronic cigarette to intake vapor into your anal cavity. Also known as anal vaping.
I was ass vaping last Friday night and it got stuck and I ended up in the emergency room
Sometimes shortened as "vish-ass," a bulbous, bangin' ass typically packed tightly into sheer pants having the appearance or giving the impression of being under high load or pressure, as if the pulling of a single thread from said pants might cause a fairly significant, immediate discharge or rearrangement of space and matter, possibly resulting in bodily harm to the casual observer.
I was in Subway today and this smoking-hot chick with a vicious ass nearly gave me a heart attack.