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Burning Justice

Smoking pot (Marijuana) in a joint, blunt, pipe or bong.

We sat around burning justice until we were too stoned to move.


I got some killer weed, do you wanna burn some justice with me?

by SisterSixx August 15, 2020

Stir Burn

A cullinary dish of Asian origin consisting usually of vegetables, Asian greens and meat which is cooked more than necessary thus resulting in charring or burning of the dish.

Fred: "What are you cooking for dinner?"
Ginger: "Well it was supposed to be a stir fry but I cooked it too long and now it's a stir burn"

by FrillyNikkers October 26, 2010

burning film

An intense non-stop filming session that usually lasts 24-48 hours. The purpose is to speed up production in order to meet a deadline.

Man we were burning film at the SATO48 competition. I haven't slept in 2 days.

by Lefty Malone August 24, 2014

burning onions

A person is said to be "burning onions" when they are having a hard time accomplishing a specific goal.

Unlike "spinning your wheels" this phrase does not contain any insinuations of harming the environment with toxic smoke. In fact, onions are better to eat than wheels, so it's really the healthier of the two phrases.

Sal: My apartment is already full of plants and I'm burning onions trying to find room for my new Aloe Vera plant!
Luces: Oh no, I hope you can make room for it!

by MavenRenman December 30, 2021

The Burn Victim

In plastic surgery; name given to a style of facelift that people choose to have. Also known as "The Bruce Jenner".

"Hey Doc, I think I am gonna go with 'The Burn Victim' today."

by asshat47 April 3, 2009


Used as an adjective, the poor fellow prescribed with suffering from this, has eaten enough pepperoni pizzas from Pizza Hut to have a heart burn and bowel-eruption combo in less than a few hours.

It can be suppressed by a full retreat to the nearest restroom or a violent chain reaction of flatulence. If not suppressed, the worst symptom is usually the everlasting diarrhea, which will most likely burn like hell from the pepperoni and spices.

Friend: "Woah, you look horrible!"

"Yeah, I've had a little Hut-burn goin' on since yesterday. Gotta tell ya man, NO ONE, out-pizza's the Hut."

by J-Thatch December 6, 2016

Tequila burn

The result of drinking too many margaritas, and your face appears as though it is sunburnt.

Bro, you have rowdy tequila burn! Slow down on that margarita.

by Mad alcohol scientist January 26, 2014