The best coach of the century he is otherwise known as the Supper Muscle Coach father of Mac McDUNG
Eric Mussleman is the best coach ever
Eric the sheep is the leader of the sheep
He can duplicate himself and can fill a room with sheep In seconds
He the the enemy of The Sticky Note God
Eric the Sheep gnawed on the arm of the sticky note summon
A country singer who sings and plays the guitar on the toilet while crapping.
Ben: Tears in Heaven is the best song by Eric Crapton.
Gregory: Well so is Gayla.
undescribable, and incredibe man who gives girls Iron Man statues for there birthday and then slays them in the bedroom
your doing a Eric Ho giving her that statue
That super chill uncle who is super wise and chill at the same time
Come on lets go to uncle Eric and have the best day of our lifes
Person 1: What's hes name?
Person 2: Eric!
Person 1: Oh! He's a Eric-man
Probably the coolest guy ever made. He's the sorta dude you'd want to hang out with 24/7, especially if you're a pretty lady.
"Omg girl, that guys was strong, sexy, fiiiiiiiine! Such an Eric Silver!"