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Jalapeno Dump

The dump that is taken the day after consuming too many hot peppers. It leaves an unpleasant, even painful burning and tingling sensation in the anus.

Dude, that philly cheese steak with extra jalapenos i had didnt sit right with me. Later on, I had a massive jalapeno dump!

Man, I hope your ass isnt too spicy!

by Sometimes, I tye dye my pubes. March 20, 2009

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dump smudger

A less that effective type of toilet tissue which redistributes rather than removes your flithy mess.

Has anyone got any dump smudger, I've got a turtles head and am about to autograph my underpants with the poo crayon

by ponkyboy October 15, 2004

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marathon dump

an abnormally long, difficult bowel movement.

The Cooker: "damn, where is tp? He went to the can an hour ago."
Pete Dick: "I dunno, maybe he is playing gay games..."
TP (returning from the bathroom, looking relieved: "Oh, wow."
The Cooker: "what the fuck took you so god damn long?"
TP: "marathon dump dude, you know my wife won't let me crap in the house. that thing has been brewing all week."
Pete Dick: "shut up and Irish yourself."

by Pete Dick March 30, 2008

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dump and dash

when you dump at someone else's house and then leave shortly after.

Guy 1: Where did Michael go?
Guy 2: I thought he went to the bathroom...
Guy 1: It smells like poop in the bathroom, but he's Michael's not here.
Guy 2: He pulled a dump and dash?!

by bassfrog7 April 21, 2010

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Slam dump

The immediate release of poop as soon as you sit on the toilet after holding it in for a while or after eating too much. Just like a slam dunk, only done with the ass.

Having to take a shit real bad

I went to go eat with a friend the other day. When we go back to the dorm he scurried to the bathroom, taking small but quick steps. Seconds after he shut the door I heard him shout "slam dump!"

by Dr_Girafales April 21, 2011

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Naked Dump

When you strip yourself completely, from every piece of cloth on you, and take a king dump, regardless of location or time.

I am in a meeting with the CEO now, and considering a naked dump very soon!

I take a naked dump at the office almost every morning.

by Shaiz September 28, 2011

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hump the dump

To "hump the dump" is to literally have sex with human or animal feces. In laymen's terms: fuck a turd. It's not performed often and can be considered to be either a sign of idiocy or of extreme love (as in humping your partner's dumpling...). It can be conjugated, however, "dump" must be changed to rhyme to it, or it will mean something different (see example 2). It can however also be related to dave's mum (see example 3). This action can bring pleasure to both sexes:
Male: Inserts erect penis into the dump
Female: Inserts dump into vagina
It is not very popular in Europe, Asia, Oceania and America, however, was performed frequently by both sexes of tribes of the lower Niger around the 1800-2000.

Eugene: Hey Chris, how was your night with Katie?
Chris: Awesome, I humped her dump!
Eugene: High Five bro!

2) Differences when conjugated:
a. I am humping the dump - only an idiot would say that, doesn't create the same effect without the rhyme.
b. I am humping the dumpling - If you thought of this before reading this, you have my respect.
In conclusion, a sucks, b rocks...

Larry: Ever heard of Dave's Mum?
Barry: Yeah, I humped her dump!
Gary: Hell, I had a gangbang dump-hump with her!
Larry: Gross...

4) Hump the dump is a good way to make shit useful!

by Frostie_Bandit June 15, 2008

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