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Hes one shot!

He was not one shot infact he had nearly full health because 12 damage does not make him one shot so if you use this call out make sure he is one shot or ur t8 will get mad and call you racial slurs if you are playing cod wit randoms sometimes

Person 1:Hes one shot! bro how didn't you kill him he was low af
Me an intellectual:are you stupid you barely hit him you missed all your shots exept one so go out get your life straight come back and get him one shot!

by Memerboiiiiiiii April 29, 2021

4👍 2👎

he/him lesbian

normally people going by he/him pronouns who still want to be quirky by saying they are a lesbian. normally very invalidating to lesbians.

"hey, im coming out as a he/him lesbian.."
"joel, you're a straight boy just say that.. you know how invalidated i feel by people who go by that."

by c7ntwaffle November 24, 2021

100👍 202👎

he him lesbian

a person who goes by he/him pronouns and is a lesbian

sjw : hey there i am a panromantic asexual non binary transgender he him lesbian
everyone else : ok

by fat gay chooch March 9, 2018

105👍 208👎

He’s one shot

He really isn’t one shot they will just say they are even tho they didn’t hit him ONCE

Bro bro he’s one shot

by Omg jonnnnn March 21, 2021

3👍 1👎

nah he tweakin

nah he tweakin

nah he tweakin

by nah he tweakin August 25, 2021

4👍 1👎

nah he tweakin

1) “Nah he/she tweakin” A phrase that constitutes the way the guy/girl is acting; Acting in a way that isn’t normal; Often a substitute for “bugged out”; Search up tweaking for a better definition cause im not that good at defining things
2) A stupid trend that sparked so fast that it made me wish it was still yesterday. the fact that you searched it up for this reason means that youre part of this plague that has spread faster than Lana Rhoades’s legs.

this shit is worse than “i forgor 💀”
ill never understand why this stupid phrase got popular in less than a day. GET OUT OF MY FUCKING HEAD

1) Person 1: “Uh…dude your friend has been acting strange lately…you think she’s doing ok?”Person 2: “Nah she just tweakin. She’ll be alright tomorrow don’t worry about it.”
2) Person 1: *literally says anything*
A fucking degenerate “Comedian”(Person 2):
nAh He tWeAkiN!”

by YT_BlueFro August 26, 2021

2👍 1👎

He's done a Donald

To make something stupid up, with no evidence whatsoever and then say it out loud with such conviction that other stupid people think it is correct.

POTUS: Finland don't have forest fires because they rake and clean the forest floor.

Any person with IQ >50: He's done a Donald again.

by Little Irish Man August 5, 2019

2👍 1👎