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It’s a sign

Someone has feelings for/is talking to or dating someone

Im thinking about asking Jessica out man”
“She was talking to me earlier and said it was a sign, she never gave me a name though”

“It’s a sign”

by January 26, 2022


A Scandinavian girl name!

She is that one girl you will never forget when you see her. Typically seen with long brown wavy hair and green eyes. Shes just the most sexy, sweet, talented, nice and smart girl. Dont ever doubt a Signe.

"That girl over there is Signe, the most sexy woman in town"

by Thatonehotdude February 17, 2022


The signe is when you're so drunk that you can't even remember your own name. Being unable to do anything else than being silly. Very common in Scandinavia to be Signe.


Person A: You were so signe yesterday
Person B: Yeah I know, it was so embarrassing.
Person C: I would like to try being signe

by ukendtkunstner February 26, 2019


means a crack whore worldwide and is usually always sucking someone's dick for money

I need a signe to for tonight

by pillerinumsen September 4, 2017


Signe is the type of person to marry your mom, and become your stepfather. Many people dislike her for it, but she will give you tiny gifts if you behave.

Ugh! My mom just married Signe, what do i do?
Just be nice, she will return the favor.

by krankenhausmister November 24, 2021


Signe is a name in Denmark

My name is Signe

by I eat butthole January 13, 2022


Ugly ass fucktard with a big hairy ass nose and flat as a door

Signe is an ugly bitch

by SEXYLEONORA October 3, 2022