Source Code

time clown

When a person from the future is killed in the past by another time traveler wearing period clothing.

Sven met his untimely demise when he was time clowned in the 18th century by a fellow time traveler.

by webgoat March 27, 2012

Supotty Time

The term for the length of time between when you first smell your own fart and the next person smells it. During the supotty time one usually keeps to himself, leading to an eruption of laughter (if among friends) upon discovery, or embarrassment (if in a public setting).

Mike: Yo dave, I was in a meeting last week and farted so bad. There was like a 12 second supotty time and then they almost had to move the meeting!
Dave: You're sick.

by Fartastic December 24, 2013

Miami Time

Miami time would mean +/- an hour and a half. And anywhere in between. Give or take 4 hours.

(Waiting for Jon) "Omg, why is he so late all the time?!" "He's not late he's just on Miami Time, he'll be here eventually."

by Cutfix September 15, 2019

“It’s Babadook Time”

This phrase is used when it’s time for you to do something crazy or freaky

-“wasssup slime, the party goin crzy
-“yessir, you know what time it is tho?”
-“it’s babadook time”😏

by AngeredMuffin February 9, 2020

cuddlety time

Quality time that involves only cuddling

She love it when I give her some real cuddlety time.

Cuddlety time is vital to the success of every relationship.

I make sure there is space for cuddlety time in my busy day.

by Socoa July 12, 2009

biscuit time

Its Biscuit time

Man say! Its 12:00 p.m on a muthafuckin sunday hoe its Biscuit time! We out! Im tryna be outta' deree. (The time to get fucked up off your drug of choice, but usually a term meant to start drinking.

by Swxxt.t539bxtch May 21, 2017

time machined

The act of, when heavily drinking (usually hard alcohol) and having a good time at night to, without warning, suddenly be in your bed the next morning, wondering how it was that you got there so fast, as though you had stepped through a time machine. Most likely to be accompanied by a drunk hookup in your bed the following morning.

It's too bad that I time machined last night, because there was a cute looking girl in my bed when I stepped out.

by GoYouPackers July 29, 2010