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Ass Clown

Another term for jackass. Someone that is weird and mentally jacked up.

Jesse- "He is an insane ass clown dead-eyed killer."

by em2020 September 8, 2014

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porn clown

A person, usually female, who has had a large amount of plastic surgery or other body modifications specifically for a job in the adult entertainment industry.

Barbara got a DD boob job, bleached her asshole, got her clit pierced and injected botulism toxin into her forehead, turning her into the prototypical porn clown. She is the epitome of the modern empowered woman.

by Clyde Greentree April 6, 2010

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Clown Syndrome


Someone who suffers the disorder of Clown Syndrome always tries to be funny either by telling jokes or acting stupid. Some of these attempts succeed whilst the majority fails and creates an awkward atmosphere. One suffering from said disorder also thinks everything is funny and laughs at anything.

"Kid thinks he's funny, he's got clown syndrome or some shit bro"

by clownage September 1, 2009

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clown sex

A sexual fetish involving the portrayal and dress of traditional circus clowns.
(see Sexy Loser)

I get my my face paint, purple wig, and red jumpsuit on before I even consider cracking her gash! That's how I get off, baby!

by Supermanchild January 3, 2004

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clown car

A girl who has fit a few too many people in her

She's a clown car, about 8 guys were in her saturday night.

by PeoplesH2k February 22, 2005

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Clown Car

A woman or woman's vagina that has produced multiple children.

Sheila has had eight kids! Her vagina is a clown car!

by Brent Palmer September 21, 2007

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ass clown

popularized by the film "office space" this refers to a dickface who has in some way wronged or annoyed you or is in general a prick, take for instance: Michael Bolton

exerpt from a scene in "office space"

Samir: No one in this country can ever pronounce my name right. It's not that hard: Samir Na-gheen-an-a-jar. Nagheenanajar.

Michael Bolton: Yeah, well at least your name isn't Michael Bolton.

Samir: You know there's nothing wrong with that name.

Michael Bolton: There was nothing wrong with it... until I was about 12 years old and that no-talent ass clown became famous and started winning Grammys.

by deadprez92 December 27, 2006

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