A sexual act in which the customer lays under a glass coffeetable and looks up through it, while their partner defecates on the top. How some people find this stimulating I'll never know.
Also can refer to the same positioning with a coffee table but the person on top merely presses their genitals onto the glass, for "squashed" visual effect - or can refer to defecating onto someone's face which has been first covered in plastic kitchen wrap like Saran Wrap.
Your grandfather got arrested in Thailand again after paying an underage transvestite hooker for some Funke Faust action.
An all-around displeasure with the sights, sounds and smells of the Strip District. Two-headed pigeons, dog shit and burnt coffee smells.
James was overwhelmed by the strip district funk and passed out on the sidewalk in front of the ghetto meat shop.
when your unc does the disco finger at a wedding/birthday/function/etc.
when yo unc be wilding at the function doing that crazy little dance(you know the dance)
yo uncle don over here doing the unc funk
Used to describe when something unconventional results in satisfaction and/or pleasure.
The chorus has an addictive funk to it.
Dry dog food has that addictive funk.
The irresistible appeal of something that isn't usually enjoyable, but has a unique quality that keeps you coming back for more.
Smell this parmesan cheese, it's got that addictive funk to it.
That melody has an addictive funk.
Sneezing has an addictive funk.