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Medieval Cop

Medieval Cop is a mystery/humor game series created by GeminiGamer, also known as VasantJ. The games are centered around a depressed, drunk cop named Dregg Moriss who solves crimes and fights gods

Medieval Cop is the greatest game series ever created!

The person who created Medieval Cop is a genius!

by Dead Dregger September 24, 2021

Copped the lock

Coppin the lock means gettin put in jail. Commonly used by australian graffiti writers, lads and other street thug types

Eshay: Oi brah wheres davo at?
Bewb: Bruz he copped the lock.
Eshay: Spewin, what he get nicked for?
Bewb: Some of that sweet as petty theft, sneaky roartes shit. Haha
Eshay: Haha mad kunt`

by nocommentbrah August 23, 2013

Cop Knock

Extremely hard, loud, repetitive pounding on an outside door or window to show authority to those inside and get them to open the door.

I know Daryl is in there sleeping so I'm gonna Cop Knock and wake him up.

by SoManyShenanigans August 15, 2021


The first car in a group of speeding cars. The cop-catcher is the first one to hit the cop's radar at a speed-trap and usually the only one to get a ticket.

Instead of doing 70 in a 65, I can now safely go 80 since this idiot cop-catcher is doing 100!

by CauselessEffect November 25, 2013

Cop Karma

"Intellectual" phenomena that leads people to believe going 15 under the speed limit for 3 miles after passing a cop will either:

A) Keep said cop from giving them a ticket for flying past him, or
B) Prevent subsequent cops from coming after them because they atoned for their speeding.

Despite the fact that he was doing 80 in a 55 zone when he passed the cop, the idiot in the Corolla in front of me then decided to utilize cop karma to keep from getting a ticket. He slammed on his brakes and then proceeded to drive 42 for three miles, but it didn't work: he got bagged 18 seconds later.

by JustAnotherGuy January 15, 2014

kink cop

A cop who receives sexual pleasure from others kinks

Kinky winky stinky is such a fucking kink cop!

by December 23, 2021

Police Cop

An exclusive ranking police role only given to those registered as a police officer.

Michael: better slow down, there's a police cop over there

Me: what the actual?

by JohnSmithTheManofWomens December 11, 2018