Lewis Evans has a massive... Heart best person ever great lover
And hung like a horse
Lewis Evans is so fucking hot I want to call him daddy
are caring individuals with great talent and are extremely endowed
i got myself one of those ryan evans fellows
A meme-infested kid with mad gamer skills and a bundle of swagger
"Dude, you're such an Evan Chapstick." -Francesco
"I know man, I know." -Andrew
A not very popular name to define but a more lovely one. John (meaning graced by god) and Evan (meaning the Lord is gracious) combined is a very religious sounding definition, but you will never meet a terrible person who holds this name.
They are usually very tall making you feel inferior but once you know them they will be the nicest and shyest person, easy to fall for and easy to assert dominance against, at least until they stand back up.
This is a mainly masculine name and very rare, there are very few who hold this name and very few who can hold this person in turn. Making them a treasure of sorts, hard to find, hard to get and hard to keep at times though you will always come running back.
‘I am graced by god and the Lord is gracious’ said some religious person when deciding to make the name John-Evan.
‘That’s a tall person’
‘Yeah that’s John-Evan’
A name often used for babies who look like they might be strong when fully grown. A name people call each other when teasingly referring to bad eating behaviors and sensitiveness.
Geez, {dad} you don't want to start acting like an evan perham?
that weird kid who looks like he's from whoville
Its Evan Kowalewski, watch out for the grinch!