A dedicated and ambitious individual who seeks to continue developing her skill and abilities. She is an advocate for change and finds joy in making a positive impact on the life of others.
Ashley-Jade is most likely a good singer and public speaker.
Don't hesitate to be an Ashley-Jade.
The Jade Range is the act of calling your Significant other when they are on their way back from work and telling them that you are preparing dinner. You let the stove get hot and await their entry to the kitchen. When they arrive, you tell them to “come smell the food in the pan”. As he/she bends to smell the food in the pan, you defecate on the floor, break up with them, and say “Ta Ta!” as you graciously bow and walk out the door.
She cheated on me so I pulled The Jade Range on her bitch ass!
Jade Mullan is like most girls...a hure. She will steal your man and possibly your girl too. If Jade Mullan is near make sure to hide your partner she will take even if she already had 10 of them.
That girl Jade Mullan is a real hure.
Your mom’s favorite, eats roasted red pepper hummus for a living. Sucks at beer pong and can definitely out smoke any of you motherfuckers.
Jade Carter is a legend
she may be crazy but she is a nice person and she dose not TAKE SHIT FROM ANYBODY!!!!!! and very cute
maddison jade you just got to love her.
The jaded crawl is a dance move that looks like the crab dance made popular by hip hop artist Benzo.
To do the jaded crawl, one must put their hands up on each side with bent elbows and make crab motions with their hands while walking back and forth sideways with bent legs.
Yo just do the jaded crawl.
A girl who is very caring and kind towards others, and is always the mum of the group yet on the weekends knows how to party !
Girl : I didn’t realise how much of a Jade Nairi Georgia is ! She looks after everyone and gives the best advice !
Girl 2: Yes that’s so true! I need a Jade Nairi in my life!