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a finger in the bum

A line said by the character Euron Greyjoy in episode 3, A Queens Justice, season 7 in the TV-series Game of Thrones. The phrase is used to further inquire what a specific sexual partner might enjoy during intercourse.

Euron:“Does she like it gentle or rough?”

Jamie: *Thinks to himself, what is this guy on about?!* “...”

Euron: “...A finger in the bum?”

by Nibbashit February 3, 2018

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bummed in the gob

A ridiculous phrase combining anal sex with a none anal orifice.

Popularity increasing after a competition on www.rllmukforum.com - a computer gaming forum - where a prize would be given to anyone using the phrase audibly on television. Google it, you can see it used on Youtube for it's first ever televisual viewing.

The man using it knew what he was doing and was not simply trying to stoke the fear around Manhunt at the time as some believe.

"Manhunt is a very violent game - it's a game that features people getting bludgeoned to death, people getting bummed in the gob, people getting garrotted..." - Mr Robert, host of Consolevania

by Rupert Pick September 25, 2012

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Harry Bum

Name given to a person who has an extraordinarily hairy ass

Harry....Harry Bum!

by Big Leg January 17, 2010

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bum grease

The disgusting film of dirt or grease that bums leave behind after sleeping on train seats

Don't sit there, that dirty hobo left behind some bum grease!

by BbStarD June 18, 2011

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Bum Pilot

The name given to somebody with the ability to artfully navigate their way around the depths of anal space. To bravely go where no cock has gone before.

"Oh my God, look at Tom delve. Hes really earned his stripes here Will. Hardcore bum pilot. "

by Laaaad October 20, 2008

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Bleach Bum

It's been fairly well established that high-intensity ultraviolet light, isopropyl alcohol and sodium hypochlorite aka Clorox Bleach are effective at controlling virus contaminated surfaces. It's also evident, for obvious health concerns, that it's probably ill advised for anyone to recommend ingestion of any one of these agents as an anti-viral treatment strategy.

Hey, so how about we do some shots of Clorox?
No way man, the president says that we have to INJECT IT to be effective.
Really? Maybe that's why he's so orange...ignorant Bleach Bum that he is...

by YAWA April 26, 2020

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Bum Fun

To insert a penis into another persons bum

"we are gonna have bum fun later!"

by sdhcfiuwdecbedwhbcn January 24, 2017

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