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hobo pizza

A true Hobo Pizza is when a group of homeless men chip in and buy a plain pizza. They put it on center of an old mattress under the bridge by the train station. Then they all jerk off in unison and jizz on the pizza. Then they eat it.

I made a few bucks washing car windshields with a greasy rag. Who's up for some hobo pizza.

by icyhot123 October 29, 2013

2๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

hobo power

a scale that ranks the smelliness of a flatulate. the scale represents how many hobos, or flatulates, of that magnitude it would take to clear a 10 story building.

Scale Rankings
1-2 - a fart so nasty it liquifies a person's clothing and immediate surroundings. Immediate evacuation is needed
3-4 - a rank given to a fart with the ability of making those in close proximity vomit uncontrollably
5-6 - a mid scale fart that will generally make people clear a certain area, but not necessarily make them vomit
7+ - regular farts, usually people will comment and stop eating food, however they will not need to make an effort to evacuate the immediate area.

Example 1 -
Ricky: "Dude what happened to your clothes"
Bobby: "I accomplished my life long goal man, I released a flatulate with a hobo power of 1"

Example 2 -
Bersell: "Dude it smells like a dead animal in your house"
Foster: "That's because PK set free a hobo in there"
Bersell: "Damn, that musta been at least a hobo power of 4"

by Hobolicious October 17, 2006

7๐Ÿ‘ 54๐Ÿ‘Ž

eskimo hobo blumkin

To take a shit outside in the snow while recieving a blowjob


wow dude...that's fucking gross....


by rostaman6 March 10, 2010

Play the Hobo Oboe

To administer fellatio to a person of no fixed abode.

Cor, Trace that unwashed drunken homeless man looks hot, I think I want to play the hobo oboe.

by Alan the Bwang July 23, 2008

9๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hobo dollar whore

Someone who uses someone else's food stamps because they are too lazy yo get their own. Someone who dates fat chicks with kids to get their food stamps.

Dude he's a hobo dollar whore. His ex had 4 kids, 250 pounds and he spent her food stamps and bounced.

Where do I find a fat chick with kids? I got to hobo dollar whore myself in order to eat this month.

Damn, I'm gonna go hobo dollar whore myself, I need a Pepsi.

by Overeducatedunderachievinglose August 10, 2020

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Hobo Shower

The act of mother nature pouring her luscious juices on those dam dirty hobos, thus cleaning them to a sparkle.

Well I was going to go bone my girlfriend in an alleyway, but now my plans are ruined. Dam hobo showers.

A hobo shower occurs in Washington State almost every day, so if you don't like it, get the fuck out!

by UmmmThatGuy February 9, 2011

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Hobo's Wine Glass

20 oz. water bottle with the bottom cut out.

"Hey man, we're out of cups."
"No problem, here's a bottle, make a hobo's wine glass!"

by Turlook May 24, 2009