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period day

a day where you stay home with a blanket and a hot water bottle and watch netflix and complain about being on your period all day. it usually involves eating ice cream as well.

i won’t be at school today because i’m having a period day

by imreallyhungry November 1, 2019

Period Blood

Blood that tastes good

Period blood tastes amazing

by Kokichiouma November 12, 2022

2👍 2👎

Hootie Period

Hootie Period (who-tee peer-ee-uhd) n. The time in which "country girls", exclusively date black men. These women typically experience this between the ages of 18 & 25 but have been known to do so well into their golden years. These tend to fluctuate sporadically, depending on the privilege & status levels of said "country girl". Not to be confused with the sexual move/position, in which a large black man deflowers a little woman whilst wearing a cowboy hat & ass-less chaps.

Billie Jo: "Didja see Mary Ann and her new Cowboy Troy yesterday? She getta bigger one ev'ry six months!"
Laurel: "Oh, she jus goin' thru her Hootie Period. Ma'ma just ended hers after Tyreese was born."

by Victor Mateo Trench January 1, 2015

period stomach

The stomach ache and subsequent bathroom incidents associated with being on, or being close to starting, your period. This can interfere with dates, meetings, and especially exercise. The connection between the uterus and bowels remains largely a mystery.

I want to go for a run, but I have period stomach and I don't want to poo my pants.

by shakalaka999 March 26, 2014

Reverse Period

When you get a bloody nose while eating a girl out.

I was munching this girl’s box and just ended up giving her a reverse period

by megakool May 7, 2022

Period of Reflection

The time spent repeatedly observing one's image reflected from the inside bottom of a whiskey glass as one empties the contents. i.e., becoming intoxicated by imbibing a great deal of spirituous liquor.

Ben Franklin's decision to fly a kite in a thunderstorm, thus 'discovering' electricity likely followed an extended period of reflection.

After last night's period of reflection, I found myself returning to consciousness in the middle of Central Park, naked. Which is odd, as I started out last night in Pittsburgh.

by TheBear! June 19, 2015

dog period

A Dog Period is when a dog gets its period like humans girls do!

Girl: Mom I think Cail s on her dog period!
Girl: No! its natrull! All us girls have it

by fjfjfjxjnvjnjvsbv hvjdkjgf000c February 4, 2018