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Pissing about

To needlessly waste time

We were an hour late for dinner because the wife spent an hour pissing about with make up and doing her hair.
My pint was empty because my mate spent 20 minutes pissing about trying to chat up the barmaid.

by Djc2508 November 6, 2013

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piss piglet

A penis.

Keep your piss piglet in your pants, you revolting perv. That's the most disgusting thing I've ever seen. And quit rubbing it. This is a family joint!

by pullmyfinger August 9, 2011

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piss fight

When people are arguing over a petty and insignificant matter while mostly using insults, passive-aggressive behaviors and other nonconstructive and immature methods in order to "win" the argument.

This is pathetic, these two have reduced the discussion into a piss fight. I wish they could just settle it like adults.

by Falxo November 28, 2016

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piss weasel

Plain & simple: another name for the penis.

{Seen on a BBS about wheelchairs and scooters -- in its, "Daily Check-In" thread}

As I did yesterday & the day before, I'll kindly dispense with the β€œ{vulgar slang term for male piss weasel (six letters, starts with 'P' and ends with β€œR", rhymes with β€œwrecker" {P3K3R})} stuck in the {slang term for wall-mounted porcelain urinal (ten letters, starts with β€œW" and ends with β€œT", doesn't rhyme with anything {walltoliet})}" text today.

by Telephony January 28, 2016

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Piss Bliss

The spine-tingling pleasure that one feels while relieving themselves after holding it for an extended period of time.

1. Those moments I spent alone in that truck stop restroom were simply piss bliss.
2. He was to drunk with piss bliss to notice he was trickling on his shoe.

by CYNICATALYST March 30, 2011

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Pissing Idiot

To be worse than an Idiot but a nicer way of saying Absolute Dickhead

Yo that guy over there is a pissing idiot
I hate that guy

by BIGCHAZZA December 19, 2019

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Pissing Section

The designated area in a public swimming pool for urine deposition. A plan just about as useful and effective as the current 'Open Up America' plan.

Hey, did you just drive all the way from New York to Alabama?
Hell yeah, they got waaaay too many sick folks up there. So we loaded up in the bus and hit the road, all 25 of us.
* this is Pissing Section logic, except urine isn't contagious and getting pissed on isn't fatal.

by YAWA May 7, 2020

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