A phrase used to describe Denholm Reynholm owner of Reynholm Industries on IT Crowd.
A boss that speaks about women in an unsavory fashion.
Jen: "..you should hear the way he talks about women"
Roy: "yeah, he's some piece of work. He's like a sexy Hitler."
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When they shave both sides of your groin for an emergency angioplasty but not the middle, leaving a patch of hair resembling Hitler’s mustache.
I went to the emergency room for a heart attack and woke up on the recovery room with Hitler pubes.
The one extreme Mormon who yells at you when you swear or say any thing to do with Jesus or a God. This yelling can range from "STOP IT THAT IS AGAINST MY RELIGION AND YOU SHOULD NOT USE THE LORDS NAME IN VAIN!!" to "IF YOU SWEAR OR SAY THE LORDS NAME IN VAIN YOU WILL BURN IN HELL!"
"Oh my god Emily is such a Jesus hitler!" "HAY I HERD THAT NOW YOU ARE GOING TO HELL."
The person who scolds others for going the wrong direction in store aisles.
The old lady snapped "Stop! You're going the wrong way. This is a one way aisle!" I replied "Aisle Hitler".
When a person has to be in control of their friends when playing video games. They also get extremely upset when they don't get their way. They either end up rage quitting or end up killing everyone.
He/She was being a Gaming Hitler when none of their friends would play with Him/Her. Hitler Gaming Videogames controlfreak ragequit friends GamingHitler killing