Real pants (noun) jeans, not chinos, pajamas or khakis.
Friend: bro come to the store with me real quick.
Me: fuck I just put pajamas on now I gotta put on real pants again.
Friend: WTF are real pants. Are chinos not real pants ?
Me: jeans bro get your shit together haha
When something is of the most extreme importance usually in light of an actual serious matter.
So real sauce, Donald Trump being president would prove how jacked we are as a country right now.
"I dun crack the Da Vinki Code. I know who The Real Fraud is."
To be so real it's out of this world!
Mike: JT you blow.
JT: Real Beans
Or is it fantasy? Caught in a landslide. No escape from reality
Guy 1: Is this real life?
Guy 2: Or is this fantasy?
Guy 1: Caught in a landslide
Guy 2: No escape from reality
Guy 3: What the fuck is happening here?
the actual keith yes i am here
HEY LOOK ITS ME!!! keith (real) FROM DISCORD!!!
Something that does not exist on this website :-(
Johannah: I wonder why I failed the definition test, I got "homework" right!
James: What did you put?
Johannah: A legal form of torture, especially if it is of the Algebra variety.
James: Is that a real definition?
Johannah: Yes I got it from Urban Dictionary!
James: Uh oh... RUN!!!
Johannah: bowl searching: The process of searching a building for an empty bathroom. A successful bowl search typically relieves the frustration of uncomfortably defecating around others, although in less frequent cases the desire to urinate alone is a factor. Bowl searching can be done anywhere although it is most prevalent on college campuses.