This is the opposite of the Midas touch. The eugene touch it a common finance term to describe when a person gets involved in the same investment at you and that investment gets ruined.
Hey did you hear that Joe owns a bunch of ETH now. He says its going to 5k, but the Joe has the Eugene touch so it will most likely be investigated by the government and go to Zero.
The opposite of the Midas touch, where instead of things turning to gold, they turn to shit. Bandini is a fertilizer company in Los Angeles that was famous for its large pile of manure called Bandini Mountain.
Don't let Bill work on your project, his Bandini touch will guarantee that it looks like crap when its done.
It’s the term of when a young male play’s with a big boy’s private parts (Vagina, Balls)
Damn I’m so horny
I think we should touch paul.
In "touching tubes", two men touch the tips of their penises together then pull forward enough foreskin so that it covers both their penis heads, so the two penises now look like a single shaft connecting the two men's bodies.
That looks totally trippy-- and it sounds more than a bit romantic!-- but it is all totally no homo, because nobody's balls are touching.
If there's not enough loose foreskin (or just plain shaft skin) to cover both heads at once, then the two men are trying to touch tubes, but not quite managing it. However, that attempt still counts as "tip to tip", and a nice friendly sword fight can be the participation trophy.
Conversely, if there's there's a great deal of foreskin, then the men can even do full-on docking.
Comparing sizes can be a gateway drug to touching tubes-- which can immediately escalate to a non gay handjob, and from there, to anything.
"Me and my entirely platonic friend Kyle were comparing sizes, to address the question of 'grower' versus 'show-er'. Then hey yolo, so we decided to try touching tubes. I don't have much slack, but we did just fine, because he's got a glorious anteater! Then, in the spirit of wholesome friendship, we fell right into a bro job and cum swapping session that lasted for hours. But we wanted to clarify that this is no homo, so later we each gave each other a non gay handjob... several times... just to make sure we're totally straight."
The ability of a person to find the "good" in any occurence, usually by resorting to the utterance of some sort of insipid, uninspired bromide.
Her: "How was your day?"
Me: "I totalled my car."
Her: "Aww, that's too bad, but remember - Everything happens for a reason."
Me: "Gee thanks, I feel SO MUCH better now . You've got The Bromidas Touch."
The phenomenon that occurs after eating greasy food such as KFC. Similar to the Midas touch anything touched afterwards also becomes greasy and makes all paper become transparent.
Hey look at this napkin, I've given it the colonel's touch
Touching the item means acquiring something of high value with low quantity's. Which make this item hard to get so therefore your touching the item.
Going to touch the item right now hope I get it they only have 5 in stock.