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Why the fuck do you need a definition of computer, it’s probably the thing your using right now! Damn boomer.

Grandpa: “What’s the definition of a computer?”
Billy: “Dear god! You don’t know what a computer is? It’s the damn thing in front of you, idiot.”
Grandpa: “ If I talked back to my grandpa like that, I would be 6 feet in a grave.”
Billy: “Ok, boomer.”

by Xx_okboomer_xX November 9, 2019

4👍 1👎


Code word for hot chick in the office.

Hey Morelli, you gotta go check out the new computer on the first floor.

by Kidzap August 9, 2005

16👍 10👎


Origin of the word is from women who use to sit at desks counting numbers all day. Eventually replaced by machinery so that women can stay home and cook.

Has slowly developed into a device primarily used for downloading pornography and talking shit anonymously. Quite possibly the best invention ever.

I just downloaded some bestiality pics and I keep them in My Pictures on my computer.

by G-Funk November 23, 2004

30👍 23👎


1. An electronic, metal box ruled by cruel, mighty deities who fuck themselves up with computer bugs to piss you off.

2. A good device to throw out the window when you're pissed off, usually at the computer itself.

3. A good device to upload to upload a virus onto to make yourself feel like a gangsta like in Office Space.

3. A device that can only be fixed by witchdoctors and magicians and Nick Burns The Computer Guy.

Damn this computer to hell; that's where the omnipotent asshole gods living inside of it belong.

Bob threw his computer out his window with an aggravated grunt and watched it fall on an innocent bystander's head.

Grendelina came to fix my computer the other day. The other bastards who tried to help were complete computer quacks.

Nick Burns told me, "MOVE" when I showed him what was wrong with my computer.

by PaperMachete October 26, 2005

15👍 10👎


A machine consisting of a CPU, mainboard, hard drive, optical drives such as DVD and CD, sometimes floppy drive, monitor, video card, sound card, speakers, keyboard and mouse and lots of other shit.

At one time used for scientific research, they evolved into office machines for writing documents and organizing information. Computers are most often used for Internet access and to chat online with friends, and play games like Unreal Tournament, Grand Theft Auto, Doom, Quake, Descent and others.

My computer runs WinXP. It doesn't crash as much as it did with Win98.

by shadowhawk April 25, 2004

15👍 11👎


a complex structure of microchips and wires which allow communication without having to look at, hear or even know the person you are talking to
also known as: shit box, porn machine and that thing that fucks up my life every time I go near it and yet I still buy a new one every single time i beat the shit out of my current one

"i am going to beat the living shit out of my COMPUTER with my bare hand while using the other hand to jack of to the picture of britney spears i just printed off"

by afro joe June 5, 2005

20👍 16👎


1. Porn machine.

2. Matchmaking device for pedophiles.

Computers: My Anti-Roofy.

by LilithXIII April 28, 2011

8👍 3👎