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leave a piss

Very similar to the phrase, "leave a shit" (popularised by the late great comedian George Carlin but with a different bodily waste product.

{Husoos}: Man I've got to take a piss!
{Horhay}: Hey Husoos! You can have that piss in the unflushed urinal over there; I'm going to leave a piss in this one.
{Husoos}: You a funny man Horhay!

by Telephony March 22, 2015

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mandemic leave

A period of absence from work granted to a mother before and after the birth of her child, in a pandemic; with little or no physical support from medical professionals/family/friends and little or no access to activities typically associated with maternity leave, due to pandemic restrictions.

I had the most lonely mandemic leave

by KXC17 March 20, 2021

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House of Leaves

One of the creepiest and most involving reads you will have in your life, its a story about a House that is alive, not in the gay "Monster house" way, but doors and hallways that are pitch black constantly appear. Read it. Be sacred.

House of Leaves is one freaky ass book!

by Dragonbreathp9d August 10, 2006

82πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

Leaving The EU

Where the Uk Actually from the EU leaves for the better. If we have another referendum, it would make Gb a hellhole.The fact that GB wanted to leave shows that they weren’t happy.

β€˜We better be LEAVING THE EU soon... it’s giving me a headache’

β€˜I don’t want to LEAVE THE EU :(β€˜

by SantinoEspinada March 13, 2019

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Leave Virginia

A euphemism for losing one's virginity.

Regina: Did Katie leave Virginia yet?
Gretchen: I don't know, but she sure has her bags packed.

by AVanWhoreton February 12, 2018

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blood on the leaves

When slaves were whipped, their blood splattered on the cotton leaves.

Kanye West once told me it was okay to put blood on the leaves.

by Th3CLIQU3 April 2, 2014

41πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Leave Me Be

Phrase. Said usually under stress or distress for someone to leave you alone and stop bothering you.

I know the loot is gone. They gaffled it all. Now just leave me be!

by Terry Bad Ice March 31, 2017

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