Source Code


When someone nuts and urinates at the same time and everything within 45 centimeters will just vanish

“Why is there a hole in the ground?”
“Someone did a peanut.”
“Oh, not again...”

by GrassiestOfTheGrassy July 27, 2021

4👍 5👎


a little pussy-like man that cannot hold his own after four beers.

That peanut over there has been dry heaving for hours after four beers LOLZORS!

by Brucey5 May 28, 2007

8👍 14👎


A member of the Modern Toss pantheon of comics and comic characters, chronicalling the power struggle that rages within the world-famous Mod supergroup Peanut. The comic features the characters Dave (bass player), Paul(drummer), Gary (lead singer), Rodriguez (Gary's PA) and Spodsie (Manager).

It needs to be pointed out that the band members are more noted for their violent methods than their music. The comic largely follows the exploits of Dave and Paul, as they attempt to discover why they have been dropped from the band.

In short, the funniest comic strip ever!

(Manager's office. Spodsie is talking to Dave and Paul)

Spodsie: "Yeah, I've been meaning to call you for a while. Gary's splitting the band up and he's taking the name 'Peanut' with him. And you spastics better start looking for a proper job! Ha ha ha!

Dave: You fucking cunt, Spodsie. Shit it! *knees Spodsie in the chin*

Spodsie: Oof!

*Dave punches Spodsie in the face with a loud 'Smack'*

Spodsie: Ooooohh!

*Dave karate chops Spodsie in the neck, sending blood spurting all over the room*

Dave: Shitter *pulls a gun on Spods and shoots him several times in the chest and abdomen*

Paul: You were a bit hard on old Spodsie there Dave.

Dave: That's nothing Paul. When I get hold of Gary I'm going to turn him into a nut!

Like I said - funny shit.

by J June 8, 2005

9👍 17👎


A small and bald headed man/boy with a head shaped like a peanut, tending to hate fat people.

Peanuts are constantly bullied.

by Andy155 September 1, 2006

7👍 13👎


A peanut is a small, semi-hard protrusion of tissue at or just inside the anus. A peanut results from having a case of "ass flu" for several days during which the anus is put under tremendous and shocking stress. The peanut is usally only detectible when wiping but in some extreme cases it is detectible by the ass cheeks.

A peanut never heals completely. Even if it becomes undetectible, you will always live in fear of its return.

I went to Golden Coral and got a raging case of ass flu. When it was all over my starfish had a peanut that didn't go into remission for ten days. It made me feel pretty scule.

by JT Naylor October 13, 2006

7👍 14👎


Derogative aimed at Female nipples particularly when aroused or on a cold day, reference to hardness and shape of the delicious bar snack.

She is smuggling "peanuts"

Check out the "peanuts" on her!

by Admiral Akbar April 22, 2005

8👍 17👎


Derogatory term to describe someone who can't drive a car correctly usually on the highway/motorway...

thats a green light you peanut!....accelerator is on the right you peanut!....check your mirrors you peanut!

by Abbes March 13, 2006

5👍 9👎