Having intercourse with female when she is having her period. Generally a messy affair.
Honey. Find a towel. We're gonna have an apache scalping party. It's my turn to do laundry tomorrow (or, leave the maid a big tip).
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An assembly of 3 or more bald men in the same group, team or social setting.
Tom - “ Hey look at those Brislington Badgers FC, they must have like 7 bald players!”
Dick - “Wow yeah, that’s quite a scalp they have there”.
Harry “They must be right wing hooligans”.
Also see, Scalping.
(of a person) lacking hair, bald
Wanna watch some Dr. Phil?
Hell naw, I'm not tryna watch that scalp-ass nigga
noun: something to dig hairs into, a plain of potential emptiness waiting to be planted
verb: to remove a layer of something (eg wealth) from another person and leave them bereft
eg. He has a hairy scalp the scalp gleamed like a hard boiled egg
In the divorce she scalped him (anecdotal, used in chat between bitter formerly married men)
When a person with thin hair gets a perm and you can see the outline of the scalp through the permed hair.
Wow look at the scalp fro on her!
When someone continuously bothers you or "throws shade" from a distance that is when they are swinging their scalp
If she keep scalp swinging ima scalp her like a Native American
When own part a girls hair and put ur dick on their scalp and they move up and down
Jerome: hey girl you tryna get scalped
Trekeisha: what’s that
Jerome: when I rub my dick on your head and u move it around