A vaping device, when used in inappropriate surroundings.
I generally don't mind if people vape, but really? This is a congressional hearing. Put the Douche-Kazoo away, dumbass.
Related to karma. People like to believe that when you do something kind and generous you will be rewarded. Similarly, if you've been a real douche (asshole) they believe that karma will cum and thrust his big black dick into your mouth. And CUM again. So what hapens when we get CUM all over our new sweaters without having done anything to deserve it? Thats when you get a douche credit. This means you've already been punished for your future wrongs, so basically a douche credit is a get out of jail free card which you show to karma when you do something bad.
Person A: Fuck dude, why did you just beat the shit out of that helpless grandma and break an egg on that jew's head?
Person B: I have douche credits and I'm gonna use them all! Biatch! Asshole!
(Person B gets hit by a car)
Person A: Fucking idiot.
Another name which can be used to describe the general psychological state of the masses (also known as sheeple, sleep walkers, the herd, etc. ). Douche llamas wander aimlessly through life without much thought or concern in regards to how they are spending that life. They are not able to think for themselves, are generally quite boring and uninteresting to socialize with, but at the very least, douche llamas CAN be good for a hump or two... Sometimes even 3...but a 3 hump douche llama is as hard to find as a 4 leaf clover, so are few and far between.
Llamas dont have humps... Thats a camel. What a douche llama!! Wonder what a llama toe looks like?
When two or more guys do douchy things to eachother over and over. Usually over something dumb that happened a long time ago.
GUY A loses a bet to GUY B and doesn't follow through with his end of the deal. GUY B proceeds to call him an asshole and takes a dump on GUY A's porch. GUY A retaliates by smashing GUY B's window.So on and so forth.
GUY C: "What's going on between them, I thought they were best friends?"
GUY D: "Oh they douch-it-out all the time. But I think it's gonna end soon cuz the big fight is tomorrow and they both got tickets to go.
The president of a company who has lousy, bottom-of-the-barrel customer service and even shittier TV commercials is known as a corporate douche.
The corporate version of an asshaberdasher.
The head of Wall*Mart is such a huge corporate douche for having commercials made using that swollen and distended urine-yellow smiley dressed up in a Zorro costume floating around, breaking shit, and hacking at store price flares with this big-ass knife!
The female version of a "douche-bag." Quite possibly the 2nd worse term you can call a woman.
Douche Broads can usually be found cheating on their boyfriends, flirting to get stuff for free, and drinking and driving.
Douche-Broads usually have fake breasts, fake tans, fake blonde hair and a quite a few hundred purses and shoes.
Douche Broads are "non celebrities" who usually have a Facebook Fanpage because they already have too many Facebook friends. These are the same girls who post 100's of photos of themselves; all from the same night...
My douche broad girlfriend is pissing me off, but she is so damn sexy!
Some one who's is such a pussy that he has ovaries i.e. "Douche Nuts"
Look douche nuts just tell your girlfriend that you are going to the bachelor party this weekend!!!
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