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Canada's history

Something so void of actual events that it tricks new history majors into thinking Canada is a new country.

"I'm supposed to write a paper about Canada's history"
"How long does it have to be?"
"Half a page."
"Thats ridiculous, you'll never do that!"

by Uhly February 5, 2010

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Canada's History

The sexual act of putting your hockey stick in a girl's beaver and then letting your maple syrup go all over her as you scream out "eh!"

I performed Canada's History last night, it was awesome...eh.

by Public_Emery February 5, 2010

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canada's history

An ungodly act requiring a living bull moose, three ski-doos, 16 meters of sinew, a couple of beaver placentas, 4 tonnes of maple syrup, 17 willing people (gender non-specific) and 1200 tim horton's doughnuts (must have holes). This act is a communal sexual celebration of Canadian culture that takes place during parliamentary prorogation so that the overlord may spawn a new generation of conservative minions. This highly secret ceremony is presided over by the great Canadian overlord Stephano P. Harperissimo (known to non-Canadians as Stephen Harper). Only one non-Canadian has ever been known to participate in this ceremony, the notorious American human-catfish named Stephen Colbert, and this was only because the great overlord Harperissimo's nonbrained minions mistook Stephen for their overlord the great Stephano. It is said that Stephen spawned a new generation of super-conservative human-fish-Canadian hybrid foot soldiers who now roam the earth spreading maple syrup, dweebiness, and conflicted views on healthcare throughout the globe.

This year there is no parliament until after the Olympics because Harper is conducting a session of "Canada's History".

by JennyKitKatKingKong February 5, 2010

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Canada's History

shoving a moose antler up a female's ass while pouring maple syrup from a male's chode to the female's mouth. also, during fornication, both parties are wrapped in the canadian flag and listen to mountie calls

last night i woke up with a punctured anus. i mustve researched canada's history with dave

by Operandus February 5, 2010

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Canada's History

A sexual act influenced by Canadian culture. This usually involves a man wearing hockey skates and a hockey helmet while having sex with a woman covered in maple syrup. The woman may start making moose mating calls and shove a lacrosse stick up her ass. When he's done he tips her a loonie. This can sometimes be done going over Niagara Falls.

Guy 1: "hey did you hear what happened to Sarah?

Guy 2: "no what happened?"

Guy 1: "She got a lesson in Canada's History and couldn't walk for a week."

by Thatother Short Kid February 18, 2010

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Canada's History

A depraved sexual act involving Moose Antlers, Maple Syrup and the Stanley Cup.

I got arrested for being involved in Canada's History.

by Osopolar February 5, 2010

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canada's history

A highly perverse form of sexual intercourse involving adult pleasureables that can be directly (and stereotypically) attributed to Canada. Such examples of said pleasurables could include moose antlers, Canadian whisky, and the stanley cup.

Jess & Gary could not engage themselves any longer in "canada's history," as it took too much a toll on her body.

by jmblas February 5, 2010

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