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Rising from bed in a state of semi-wakefulness realizing you have both a raging erection and a full bladder; then stumbling to the bathroom.

I woke up dick-walking last night. I didn't know if I needed a toilet or a piece of ass first.

by maechtig September 14, 2015

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walk behind

A Female that has a big fatty, that makes you walk behind her for long distances staring at her behind.

Man I saw this chic the other day and she had a phat ass. I mean dog, she had a walk behind.

by Kelshall March 17, 2008

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Krock Walk

A modern way of walking in which the knee rises above the waist and the foot above the knee.

I saw your cousin Stacey using the Krock Walk to cross the cross walk.

by fishforarms August 16, 2010

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Walking Meme

An icon recognised by society as a meme rather than a physical carbon based life form.
e.g. Ali-A, Michael Rosen(Noice), Logan/Jake Paul)

Steve: Hey Brad I was watching Ali-A before...
Brad: Why would you want to watch him he’s literally a walking meme.

by EJM19 November 5, 2018

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Monkee walk

A form of walking where a group of friends form a line, arms across shoulders and walk in unison with exagerated steps to the right and left.
From the opening sequence of the Monkees TV series.

My friends and i got drunk and Monkee walked down the beach.

by Frodis May 10, 2005

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1. a rehearsal

2. a slow, careful explanation

3. to explain something slowly and carefully

We did a walk-through of the movie before collecting ideas.

by The Return of Light Joker January 7, 2009

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walking dead

A zombie show that is the bomb if u don't like the walking dead u don't have a life and r stupid they have the hottest people on it including rick the Cherf and Daryl Dixon the hottnes person ever he is a badass they are in a zombie apocalypse and a lot of there people get eaten by zombies or die giving birth like Lori ricks wife and there's a gurl with a masheti and put in threw some guys face if u don't watch the walking dead u should start one get to watching

Walking dead has a lot of blood zombies and violence for kids 10 and up

by Miley cyrus December 12, 2013

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