It is a family friendly way of saying I hate what you did or said
When your bumhole is bright red and very sore/lacerated from excessive bouts of wiping.
Oh blimey, I wish I hadn’t had that vindaloo. I’ve got a terrible case of monkey arse.
Believed to have been forst coined by Ed Elliot in a Wetherspoons in Exeter. ‘I can’t eat that. I’ve got a terrible case of monkey arse.’
Curb monkey is a female and sometimes males that uses the opposite sex for rides on their motorcycle, they desperately troll the Internet looking for guys to post that they are going for a ride then wait curbside with their bandana, Harley tank top and leather boot for the guy to show up.
Travis posted on Facebook that he was going for a ride, stopped at the bar for a bite to eat and beverage and the curb monkeys were lined up.
When a person is on their knees, jerking off two dudes, and they get themselves covered in their spit-lube.
"Boy, my knees hurt from playing Monkey in the Spittle last night."
Prentending a girls asshole is a button that when pushed with your thumb or finger it makes her go ape shit crazy and she tries to climb walls.
I was ridding this chick like Rover and when I hit that monkey button with my thumb that chick went ape shit and wouldn’t climb down from the ceiling for thirty minutes.
Even if you don't like Napoleon Bonapartes height, please don't call him a field monkey
cesar the monkey is a special monkey in all of our hearts. he is loved by us bc of his ADHD moments. he doesn’t like being called a monkey, but that’s okay.. he also died in his sleep due to 42 gunshots on his leg. he also got his toe chopped off which caused him to go on 748 comas. he was only 1 hour old.
some girl: omg is that cesar the monkey
random guy: yes *process to shoot cesar 42 times in the leg*