Malte, Vilmer, and Johan had faced many challenges together, but they always found a way to overcome them with their unique abilities. However, they knew that they might encounter situations where their regular skills would not be enough. That's why they decided to develop their ultimate abilities, which they could use only in dire situations.
Malte had always been skilled in origami, but he took his abilities to the next level by mastering the art of paper-folding. He could create almost anything with just a piece of paper, and his creations were not only beautiful but also had practical uses. He could make tools, weapons, and even vehicles, all from origami.
Vilmer was an artist at heart, and he honed his skills to create his ultimate ability. He could paint anything, and his paintings had a unique property. Whatever he painted became real, at least temporarily. He could paint a bridge over a chasm, a boat on a shore, or even a monster to fight. His artistic abilities were now a formidable weapon in their arsenal.
Johan had been studying the ancient ways of magic for years, and he finally unlocked his ultimate ability. He could tap into the energy of the earth itself and manipulate it to his will. He could create earthquakes, summon lightning bolts, and even cause volcanoes to erupt. His control over the elements was now unmatched.
The trio knew that they had to use their ultimate abilities sparingly, as they came with a cost. Malte's origami creations drained his energy, Vilmer's paintings required a lot of concentration, and Johan's manipulation of the elements put a strain on his body. But they also knew that they had an ace up their sleeve when they faced impossible odds.
(The ultimate abilities, huh thats crazy!)
A nigga who's niggardry is so powerful that not even Uncle Ruckus can exorcise the nigganess out of said nigga.
The vile nigga in question holds such malice and pure hatred, that if you were to oppose the nigga he would go out of his way to fuck up your whole bloodline’s lives for generations a thousand fold. There is no whip too long nor belt too firm that can beat the ghoulish amount of nigganess out of the nigga. The only thing strong enough to un-ultramegasuperultimatekookoocrazyballisticniggify the nigga who has fell nictim (nigga victim) to such an absurd amount of niggardry is to force the nigga gorge upon a mountain of bland ass mashed potato, so that the inner white person inside the abhorrent nigga’s soul may break free, and put an end to such niggarous tyranny.
Ultra Mega Super Ultimate KooKoo Crazy Ballistic Nigga: *sitting in the backseat of they car whilst bashing to fortnite feet*
Ultimate Pringles, generally known as "U.P" is an extreme sport originating in Belfast, Northern Ireland. The game consists off an unlimited amount of players attempting to catch a flying Pringles lid (refered to in U.P terms as the disc). The game is much like frisbee only much more complicated and competitive, at times getting quite violent when players collide in an attempt to catch the disc. The size and transparency of the disc also gives amateurs a hard time adjusting to the fast paced sport, though coloured discs are available (and recommended) for beginners and also for playing at night (it should be noted that coloured discs have a higher gauge than standard discs).
The aim of a game is simply to show skill and attempt moves, such as "The Dive Bomb" (when a disc swoops downwards at great speed, making for a difficult catch) "Glider" (when the disc flys smoothly at a slow spectacular motion usually over great distance) or the "Double/Triple/Quadr uple Touch" (when the disc is hit multiple times as oppose being to caught by players and continues to fly).
The game usually ends when the disc breaks (after constant abuse) or is lost due to a poor throw, or simply when participants give up after exhaustion.
Person1: hey man, wanna play some UP?
Person2: U.P? why what is that I ask
Person1: Ultimate Pringles!...(explains)
Person2: woah!! damn right let's play this spectacularly amazing sport!!
When you make a response that is so ultimate that it is The Ultimate Response.
"Ha ha! Take that fellow netizen! I just double comboed you with my epic super ultimate response! I call it, The Ultimate Response!"
Must be done with a partner, preferably a significant other.
One person sits on the other person's lap and gives them a lap dance while both people drive the car, the person on the bottom controlling the gas and brakes, and the person on top steering.
Must drive at least 5 miles on an open road, no matter whether or not either person orgasms.
Jenny tried the ultimate driving test with her boyfriend and ended up breaking her arm, she says it's the best sex she's ever had, though.
Ultimate dodgeball, or UDC (Ultimate dodgeball Championship) is a sport played by smart car driving douchebags, and 30 year old men trying to relive their youth. It is usually played on a trampoline so it is incredibly easy to play. You'll either see 27 to 30 year olds playing, or 14 to 28 year olds playing, all of which take it way to seriously.
Kid: Dad why aren't you ever home on Thursday nights?
Dad: Well son, I have to go play ultimate dodgeball tonight!
Kid: Faggot...
Hey Austin, want to go play ultimate dodgeball at the local sky-zone?