Weeb Characters are characters who originate from non-anime/manga media such as Video Games who were specifically designed to appeal to the Anime demographic. They also tend to have sexualized character designs as well.
"Ugh, they really announced Byleth for Smash Bros? She is just another Weeb Character with a sword."
Some one who watches anime mostly for the hot waifu’s. Often named Alfie.
That Alfie is such a horny weeb.
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A really retarded westoid (Maybe a Europenis or a Americunt) who are more retarded then the Weebs and also fucking support Ukraine (Literally Ukraine is a Nazi Country) & Nazi NATO. they're also NATO Fanboy and are racist to the Chinese. They even call people's pfp as "Weeb" even thought is not anime. Really fucking stupid right? They can just target people with loli pfp. They also defend American War Crimes like a Americunt.
Anti-Weeb: "Oh look. A person with a stupid anime pfp"
Normal Guy: "Wtf? That's not even a anime"
Da Eastern Slavs to Anti Weeb: "Stfu westoid. Go back to america where you belong. That's not a fucking anime"
Some one who uses sone kind of spectrum to categorize persons or things, and uses said spectrum to justify their logic
You good sir, are a spectrum weeb.
A weeb momentus is when a weeb emberesses themself.
Thorn:UwU wanna play siege?
Ikr:OwO no.
Bear: Man this is such a weeb momentus.
A weeb momentus is when our dear friends ikr and thorn act like an anime girl and emberess themselves.
Thorn: Uwu wanna play siege
Ikr: Uwu Sure.
Bear: Man this is such a weeb momentus
A person who loves animal and enjoys anime/manga culture. Also a very carefree and joyful person but most likely is dead inside.