Another term for a woman ejaculating during orgasm
Megan's quite the boom fountain in bed
"Woops boom" is a declaration of pity to be used after something, like a pen or a child, takes a large fall. Often employed by mothers and babysitters. It is similar to oopsie.
Max fell off the slide.
Mom: Woops boom! Come here Maxie, I will give you a popsicle to make it better.
Gabi: Ah! I dropped my calculator and the batteries fell out!
Megan: Woops boom!
Old meme that never gets old for most crappy video editors.
When one gets shot In The shitter (bumhole)
Yo I just batty boomed him tho!
A powerful or intense good. Instead of saying "awesome", you would say "boom good".
If someone shared that he/she has solved a challenging problem they've been troubleshooting, a friend would say "Boom good!" to express kudos and a job well done.
When there’s to many bagels to sell so they’re given out for free and everyone gets bagel fever
Farmer: I wouldn’t go to Bagel Town son, the have the bagel fever because of the Bagel Boom
When your in complete aggreement with close friends, with high level of excitment.
Bro #1. We should plan another riding trip with Mr. WILSON.
Bro #2 Side boom...HELL YEAH !!