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Wall War

On facebook, when you get into an intense dicussion with someone and both of your profiles' walls get filled up with posts from the other person. This can occur about drama, or when you're trying to make big plans for the weekend.

"Did you hear about all the drama with Susie?"

"Yeah, Jake and I got in a huge wall war about it"

by Houseofpayne July 2, 2009

17๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Civil War

1) a war in which parties within the same culture, society or nationality fight against each other for the control of political power.

2) a song by guns n roses.

3) a slang term used to describe a food fight within one table at lunch or any other public place in which food is eaten.

EXAMPLES 3) Bill: Hey, don't be starting a civil war here!
Joe: We haven't had one in a long time.

1) Chris: Who won the Civil War?
John: I don't know, dude. Ask someone else.

by Stick E March 6, 2007

63๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž

War Pig

unnatractive person(s), generally of the female variety, who wears way too much makeup (warpaint) and resemble, audially, visually and phsically a herd of porkers

1- look a tribe of war pigs at the bar
2- your girl is a war pig

by Libertine91 November 19, 2009

44๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž


An expression used to define or a particularly violent wank.

Last night I went home and participated in a bit of self-love. It was a long hard battle, I ended up enjoying myself so much I bled. One things for sure, this Tug-of-war will be one to remember.

by Cunty monty cunto August 18, 2006

21๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

definition war

a phenomenon on Urban Dictionary wherein many people define the same word/phrase simply for the purpose of expressing their opinion on said word/phrase.

Some examples of this include Hot Topic, Goth, Gay, and Emo.

You see all those entries for Hot Topic? It's a full-blown definition war going on.

by Sybet December 8, 2006

19๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


Territorial wars over particular webpages on wikipedia. This happens the most when a moderator feels that a particular page is 'theirs', and they feel they know best what should be on that page. Any moderator who consistently reverts a wikipage because they don't like the data that someone adds (even if it is valid), is fueling a wiki-war.

Dude, that moderator has been waging wiki-war on the global warming page! He reverted all the information I added, for the third time!

by Ismirth May 14, 2007

12๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

poke war

A back and forth battle utilizing Facebook's poking mechanism.

Ben will never win the poke war.

by Corrina March 7, 2007

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