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Mulch Disease

1. you ask questions over and over again.
2. you are a red head who has no red headed parents
3. Grandma Polly lives right next to you.
4. Your a slea slaw.
5. And you take 20 baths a day.

the cure is in these steps...

1. As a question once even if it kills you.
2. Ask your mom if you have any red heads in your family.
3. Ask why Grandma Polly lives next to you.
4. don't be a slea slaw.
5. don't take more than 2 baths a day.

"Don't you see that red headed slea slaw next to grandma polly's house. She must have the 'mulch disease'!" said Molly. "yah she asked me over and over again at school if i had a spare towel after her 12th shower at school after gym!" said Jamie

by CharliesKitty June 25, 2009

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Furniture Disease

When a woman's breasts sag to their waist and/or further. They usually become smaller and wrinkly from beinging out of their original position.

Whoa! Your grandma's saggy tits really shows that she has a nasty case of furniture disease.

by Applesaucelord December 15, 2004

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Chinese Disease

The correct term for Coronavirus or Covid-19.

I just got the Chinese Disease when I went to Wuhan, China.

by Doctor Trump March 19, 2020

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Keyes Disease

The so called disease people get when they live in Key West, Florida. Symptoms include being a lazy drunk with who doesn't want to work and only wants to wake up and go to the bar.

He really had has shit together before he moved to Key West and got the Keyes Disease. Now he gets drunk twice a day and is two months behind on his rent.

by Diamond Davey February 5, 2010

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onomatelopasaurouseperino disease

onomatelopasaurouseperino disease is a severe condition, in which the fallopian tube--most commonly used in star bucks--turns green and rots away. The rot of the green fallopian tube causes fatigue, irritability, heart palpitations, and Draymond Green to snapchat a photo of his dick. Symptoms include: runny nose, dry scrotum, an erection lasting more than four hours, and child labor.

Patient: "Hey doctor, I believe that I may have onomatelopasaurouseperino disease."
Doctor: "Oh shit! Guys, get on snapchat quick!" Everyone, but the patient, gets on snapchat hurriedly, "Damn, that shit's big!"
Patient: *Dies a horrible painful dreadful uneventful handful death*

by Prof. Meatloaf March 11, 2017

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Moan disease

A disease you can get if you are around a person who moans a lot.

See moaning for the definition.

-a guy moans-

-another guy moans-

Dude that guy gave you the moan disease.

by Thedefinitionleader March 19, 2017

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Hardwick's DIsease

When you will do absolutely anything to impress hipsters to gain a following. Pronouncing words with a unreasonable flair, referencing books that are out of print or long forgotten bands that 'deserve a comeback'. Started with Chris Hardwick's need for approval by demeaning himself in anyway possible.

Steve : "What's wrong with Tom? He's wearing a scarf in the middle of summer"
Toby : "He has no friends, so he is trying to impress hipsters"
Steve : "Full blown Hardwick's Disease"

by Type4Me January 23, 2015

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