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yo mama

a dead meme

yo mama so fat she brought a spoon to the super bowl

by am supre bord February 22, 2022

Yo Mama

Yo Mama is a reference to yo mama jokes meaning when you say yo mama that means you think their mom is ugly fat or stupid

hey look its Yo Mama.

by xxChilledHacksxx April 5, 2016

yo mama

your mom

yo mama fine

by yeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr December 12, 2017

Baby mama

Your baby mama is when you accidentally get a woman pregnant-- oopsie daisy-- but you two aren't together. If a pregnancy is the result of a one-night-stand, she's your baby mama and you are her baby daddy. Sometimes you two can agree to raise the child as single parents, but in cases like How I Met Your Mother (Barney's mom), the baby mama will raise the kid on her own.

Anyone: Wait, who's Delilah?

Me: she's my baby mama.

by notbarneystinson August 19, 2020

trophy mama

A sexy hot woman who also happens to be a mother.

Me and my trophy mama went dancing last night .

by White Bear Movemnet May 8, 2016

Joe mama

Joe mama is a joke usually performed my middle schoolers, the joke will most likely start of with a conversation with two people, a random person will come up an ask you the question "whose Joe". Most likely the people in the conversation will yell "JOE MAMA"

Person: "whose Joe"?

Immature kid in class: "JOE MAMA".

by big_brain.user69 October 24, 2019

joe mama

it awesome

someone says"ur dumb!" and you say "JOE MAMA!!"

by kjjjk.bn,/jkbmm,//n/ September 1, 2022