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Single goggles

When you're single, this can occur at any point, and everyone around you starts becoming attractive and you start to develop pointless crushes on anyone who spends any kind of time with you.

"Dude, I think I am falling in love with the girl who sits behind me in chemistry."
"She has a boil on her chin, and smells like old baking grease... it's just the single goggles, bro."

by BuckinNightmare September 6, 2017

Single Girl Toilet

A toilet that is extremely small lengthwise. Referred to as a single girl toilet because if any normal-sized man uses it, their penis will uncomfortably touch the toilet seat/bowl.

Man #1: "My Aunt finished building her own house a few days ago, but she bought one of those tiny rounded toilets to go in the bathroom."

Man #2: "Ah, the classic Single Girl Toilet."

by jose748484 August 20, 2022

Positive singles

Someone who is tested positive for an STD and is single

Positive singles and dates by going to meetpositives.com

by Meet positives February 21, 2019


Moderately Single: How my buddy Frank defines post divorce relationships

I’m dating, unless we roll up on a legit GILF, then I’m moderately-single and hitting that!!

by Yourbest$5bet December 28, 2022

Single directional innocent whore complex

A person who is always trying to look and act in a sexually attractive to someone, but never realizes when the other person is playing along.

Girl 1: Ugh! He clearly wants to have sex with me, but never takes my hints

Girl 2: He clearly has Single directional innocent whore complex !

by Valentinowry February 20, 2022

Soft Single

Soft Single is a noun describing the point in time when one is beginning to date multiple people casually, but is not in a committed relationship. This is as opposed to Hard Single, where one has no chance of a mate in the near future.

Rebecca Morin has a coffee date #softsingle. or Becca is so soft single it's not even funny.

by Anna Jeff February 4, 2014

Single girl season

When spring ends and summer starts , Where girls are single and guys only want to smash

Damn I just smashed a single girl in the bathroom -jimmy

Oh it’s single girl season-John

by Brooky_spamz April 27, 2019