Poor little Jewish American Princess, usually a rich girl that's not actually Jewish (since the Jews shouldn't be held responsible for the JAP's behavior).
The poor little JAP now lived many miles from next door to the people she grew up around, and left her humility back where she grew up, thinking the world owed her something now, whether it be respect or dollar signs.
Poor little JAP- Momma, if you dont bring me my fuckin sandwich, I'm fuckin go off and have you fuckin locked up! I'm gonna flex on you like Supergirl bitch!
Probably the most criminally underrated thing to get at The Mac Shack, if not one of the greatest foods of all time. Order a 10-piece McNugget and add a few pumps of the same Spicy Pepper Sauce which is used on the Spicy Crispy Chicken sandwich, close the box and shake it until all of the nuggets are covered in sauce, and then proceed to indulge yourself. Legend has it that this delicious dish originated at the McDonald’s on 24th Street in East St. Louis, Illinois.
X: I’m going to McD’s, you want anything?
Y: Yeah, I’ll have the Poor Man’s Buffalo Wings with a large Sprite.
X: What are you talking about? They don’t HAVE buffalo wings.
Y: Then ask for Mcnuggets with Spicy Pepper sauce. Just try it, you won’t be dissapointed. Trust me.
Exactly how it sounds. When you’re a broke college student and can’t afford to pay for food, so you put some free items from the student center food court together and call it a meal.
What did you eat today?
I snagged saltine crackers from the student center Quiznos and a few sauces from Chick-Fil-A right next to it to dip the crackers in.
Damn, that’s a poor man’s lunch.
Yeah, looking forward to my ice soup for dinner.
Term used to describe unlucky people who are in pain and need of assistance due to an issue eating away at them.
They come flocking to anyone willing and able to help them, no matter past reputation, and without checking for ulterior motives.
See also: Cryto Bro, MLM, Alternative Medicine
"Those poor unfortunate souls
So sad, so true
They come flocking to my cauldron
Crying "Spells Ursula, please!"
And I help them
Yes I do!
A poor person in a movie about rich people who only exists to teach the wealth-scarred protagonist(s) how to feel or act like humans
“Sam has such a loving family and he’s got his act together. It’s almost like he’s the rich guy instead of Derrick”
“Sam’s family showed up once on screen, and he has no problems or personality of his own. He’s just an emotional support poor.”
When your home gym doesn’t have any heavier dumbbells, so you hold two in one hand.
I didn’t have any 75s, so I had to use the poor man’s grip.
adj. used to describe someone (often a man in a relationship with a horsegirl/woman) who probably makes a decent salary and would be otherwise well off is but broke due to excessive spending on horses (often to appease the horse-crazed wishes of the horsegirl/woman).
source: riley savage (8:13 Shirts That Go Hard Tier List—HIVEMIND UNLIMITED)
his source: no clue he might've made it up on the spot
1: hey man can i borrow $20
2: nah brother i'm broke i just spent $20K on Majestic Prince Beanie Belle Btamble Moonstar 2
1: that better not be another fucking horse dude
2: tf do you think
1: man u could be living good but u horse poor