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Family shrub

When your family tree is a little wonky and forms more of a shrub/bush shape.

My family tree looks more like a shrub, a family shrub.

by SavageQue December 16, 2020

Family Lumber

N. Slang for the shaft of a man's penis.

"Yo she hit me so it's like she cut down my family lumber!"

by MrDrapeular September 27, 2013

The Weasely family

Mom: Molly Weasely

Dad: Arthur Weasely

First child: Bil Weasely (1970(

Second child: Charles “Charli” Weasely (1972(
Third+Fourth children’s: Fred&George Weasely (twins- 1978)
Fifth child; (Ronald “Ron” Bilius Weasely (1980

Last child: (Ginevra “Ginny” Molly Weasely (1981

The Weasely family - Harry Potter by jk rolling

by Someone else’s name June 28, 2021

The Foster Family

A bizarre bunch brought together by fate on a road trip round New Zealand. These youngsters all came from the same mum though with different fathers Dad, Dad, Dad and... Daddd!!! Robbie was a vietnam vet, Susie a fashion queen, Paul a football nut and Timbob a gay (well his actions are like one) though his gobshite with the ladies directs otherwise!

All for 1 mum and 3 dads for all... oh and Daddd!!!!

by I'm not going to put my name to this am I, it's utter bullshit October 8, 2004

Family Time

A time during which one hangs out with their family.

My mom said it was going to be family time, and she was right. It was terrible.

by kidneyscones July 22, 2021

familial statism

A form of tyranny that involves accepting power over one’s life from any family member. A familial statist can either be the older relative who controls their children at an unreasonable level, clips their wings, and stunts their growth for selfish purposes... or the younger relative who refuses to grow up and get their life in order on their own merits. You could sponge off any one of your relatives, or vice versa — be an enabler, and be considered a familial statist.

Andrew is a bootlicking familial statist. He really needs to stop living off his mommy, get out of the basement, and into the world. Get a job Andrew, familial statism is a passive disease and you need to buck up a bit.

by Spike McCartney October 19, 2019

Wiener Family

The subsequent family that results from the discovery of a wiener cousin. All persons directly related to the wiener cousin, are now to be considered wiener family. There is no limit to wiener family, and wiener families tend to be a lot bigger than normal families.

Me: since Austin and I both had sex with Maggie, we are wiener cousins now. Which means Austin's mom would be my wiener mom, his dad my wiener dad, and so on.
Austin: I boned one of the girls that Nelson did... I guess that makes you, me and Nelson Wiener Family.

by Sir_Benjamin_Tatum November 4, 2014