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Celebrity Crush

A celebrity you find attractive.
Celebrity crushes can be
Casual- you just think he/she is cute
Intense- you love them and would (usually) like to bang

C- I have a celebrity crush on Cole Sprouse. He is hot!
I- I would leave my SO for Cole Sprouse. He is so hot, funny, and talented!

by The Tea Sis July 13, 2018

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girl crush

an overwhelming sense of awe felt by a girl for another girl elicited by varying causes ranging from deep respect to unadulterated lust. may result in the any or all of the following: general euphoria, prolonged sense of inspiration, desire for intellectual-intercouse with crush, simple sexual arousal, etc

zoe bell is such a badass in deathproof, i am completely amazed at what she is capable of. she is my new girl crush

by Lyn Grin May 1, 2007

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a mini-crush; if you've only known them for up to a month, but are sort of crushing on them

He has a crush-ette on my ALTER EGO!!!!!!!!

by Icky-Vicky February 2, 2004

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temporary crush

When you like someone, but then you realize that there is no way they'll ever like you back... so to get over them you: pick a person (your temporary crush) that you are mildly attracted to as your new crush, and every time you think of that other person, think of your new crush instead just until you get over him...

"Hey, don't you like that guy?"
"Yeah, but it'll never work so I'm using a temporary crush, that guy over there."

by SoStupidI'mDangerous September 30, 2011

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Couple Crush

When a couple (straight or gay) has a platonic "crush" on another couple, not sexual but idolizing them. Oftentimes, the "crushed upon" couple is older and has a little more life experience than the "crushing" couple. They are usually seen as mentors or the type of couple the "crushing" couple aspires to be.

"We went to dinner last night with Rebecca and Jon -- they are so cool and fun, I hope Kevin and I turn out just like them in 10 years!"

"OMG, Laney, you and Kevin have such a Couple Crush on Rebecca and Jon!"

by bonkk1 February 18, 2010

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Crush Dementia

The condition of having such a huge crush on someone that you completely forget how to do the simplest things.

Boy: You know we could have just used a different IM client to keep our private chats seperate from our work chats?
Girl: Jeez, we could have thought of that such a long time ago!
Boy: Don't worry, we have crush dementia, it's understandable.

by PiMPeRJ September 22, 2008

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Skittles Crush

When you have a small crush on someone, but nothing too serious.

"I hooked up with that guy last weekend, skittles crushing so hard"

by swagged out gucci October 8, 2011

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