A running whore is someone who loves to run every day and will do anything sexually to acquire things for running such as new running shoes, new clothes for running, even the race entry fee.
Lisa--Hey how does Jim always have new running shoes?
Becky--I am not sure? He must be a running whore!
18๐ 5๐
a drive down from Westchester county to the North Bronx (usually 233rd st) for the purpose of purchasing marijuana. Most often done during lunch period for high school students
Black people in the bronx will not attack white kids who look out of place in the Bronx because they are on a Bronx Run, and that's half of 233rd st's economy
17๐ 5๐
1. To take a shit and leave without washing ones hands
2. To stop off at a relative or friends house with the sole intention of taking a quick shit and then continuing on your way.
3. To intentionally take a shit somewhere inappropriate as a joke and run off. I.E. in your friends car, in the house of someone you hate, a taxi cab a Subway train etc...
4. When your stomach bubbles but you haven't shit for a while so the first portion is a super solid constipated chunk, but is immediately followed up by the nastiest case of the runs you have ever had. (think Southpark Episode of Petite Turrets - Where the guy with turrets says "Piss Coming out My Ass") Usually experienced after eating super spicy food such as Mexican or Hot Thai or Hot Chinese food with the little red peppers.
1. "Eewww. I saw that dud take a shit n run without washing his hands, now he's over there stuffing his face with the bread rolls and touching his girlfriends face. If she only knew."
2. "Sorry I had to pull a shit and Run bro, but I my stomach's aching and we were in the neighborhood so... Anyway don't go in there for at least 20 minutes"
3. John "I hate my gym teacher so much I pulled a Shit & Run in his gym bag. He nearly puked when he looked in there. I'll bet it stunk super bad cause I zipped that bitch up too LOL."
Dan "dude that's fucked up, it had to be nasty, I'll bet he just threw the whole bag away"
John "He had too, we all got detention, but everybody thought it was worth it except for a few of the girls"
4. "Dude I had the worst case of Shit & Run the other night, totally reminded me of the South Park episode where Cartmen pretended to have turrets syndrom.. PISS Coming Out My AaaaaSSSSSS."
30๐ 11๐
A time at which, weather hungry or not, one goes to wendys for frosties and other delicious food items such as a number 1 with just cheese or large fries.
Jankowski: It's 3 in the morning
Bollinger: what do you want to do?
Jankowski: Wendys run???
50๐ 21๐
A term originating among expatriates living in Thailand, a visa run is a quick, one-day trip across the border of a neighboring country and returning. This is typically done on or the day before the expiration of one's visa. Exiting the hosting country and instantly returning "resets the clock" on a pre-determined visa length to allow the visitor to extend their stay in the hosting country. Some nations have different laws controlling one's ability to perform consecutive visa runs, such as shortening the length of the subsequent visa, or limiting how many times within a given number of months one can perform a visa run.
My 60-day Thailand tourist visa expires tomorrow, so I'm taking a visa run into Cambodia in order to stay another 60 days.
19๐ 6๐
A type of playground antic where one student runs at a high speed, leaps on top of another student, takes them to the ground while pantomiming committing a brutal rape, and flees after committing the act. See also: Whip and Run
Steve: Man, I showed that mentally handicapped first grader the true meaning of Rape and Run.
148๐ 74๐
To break wind in a busy/crowded place ie. supermarket aisle, pub bar, wedding and quickly leave the scene of the crime so that somebody else takes the blame.
Man - "After that biryani last night my guts are in bits."
Wife - "Tell me about it, I had to shit and run at our Becky's wedding this morning!"
Man - "That was you? I thought the vicar had dropped his guts!"
Wife - "Mission completed then!"
13๐ 3๐