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Peter Jackson

A bartender at Fat Pete’s in Washington, DC. Peter Jackson (PJ) DEFINITELY wrote and directed the Hobbit Film Trilogy while supporting the Penguins.

Peter Jackson (PJ) loves a quiet night in eating veggie supreme pizza and watching his Tolkein adaptations.

by Hdj007 May 16, 2023

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Peter Rabbit

Peter Rabbit is a well loved television, movie and book character created by well known authorβ€” Beatrix Potter. The books are based for younger children, but all ages can (and do!) read these sweet and innocent books.

Teacher) What’s your fave book?
Cool kidsβ€” It, The Shining, what’s a book?
Me) Peter Rabbit!
Whole class snigger

by I can’t spell April 5, 2020

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Peter Panic

A name you use in your facebook account to stalk a beautiful mother of seven kids.

"You have an IQ of 142, but you're a Peter Panic in love."

by aloha milkyway March 26, 2013

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peter smash

When peter breaks every bone in your face with his hulk sized penis.

Peter fucked up arturo's face last night with a peter smash!

by Bladehadley March 15, 2010

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Peter Peterson

a man person of great business sense.

Oh wow that man is surely a Peter Peterson!

by Bubba Cheeks November 3, 2009

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peter thief

A Peter thief, is someone, who robs your prison cell. Used in the south east uk.

"That fools gonna get Merced blood, yeah shadey Baghead Peter thief"

by Psilo/psycore April 10, 2017

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Peter and the Wolf

A symphonic tale from 1936 by Russian composer Sergei Prokofiev. The story is told by a narrator and an orchestra. Each character has a theme that instruments in the orchestra plays. Peter is played by string instuments, the bird is played by a flute, the duck is played by an oboe, the cat is played by a clarinet, Grandfather's theme is played by a bassoon, the shooting of the hunters' guns is played by the kettle drums, and the wolf's theme is played by 3 French horns.
The story goes that Peter goes outside of his fenced in yard to go play with his animal friends (a bird, a duck, and a cat). His grandfather scolds him for playing outside the yard in fear of a wolf attack. As Peter is sent inside, a wolf appears, scaring the bird and the cat, and eating the duck. Peter then catches the wolf with a rope and soon, some hunters help him take the wolf to the zoo.
The story has performed and adapted many times. One such example was the cartoon short by Walt Disney in 1946.

Did you hear that the orchestra is playing Peter and the Wolf tonight at the opera house?

by DinoNTrains May 27, 2011

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