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Dr Frekyll

A mark on your skin over which people cannot decide is a mole or a freckle.

Derived from the split-personality Doctor Jekyll from the book by Robert Louis Stevenson.

Rhys: I've got a total Dr Frekyll on my arm.

Owen: I'd say it's a freckle myself...

Rhys: That's what I thought, but those guys are convinced it's a mole!

by chimpskylark May 2, 2009

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Dr. Torres

A female dancing to music in a t-shirt and panties like she's in the club.

The neighbors' saw her in the window pulling a Dr. Torres.

by Grey's fan March 16, 2010

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Dr Eggman

His full name is Ivo β€œEggman” Robotnik. Dr Robotnik has an IQ of 300 which he uses to kill animals and attempts to drill a hole in Sonic’s forehead. Sometimes he gets creative and once even shot up an entire forest for shits and giggles. He then spent 55 minutes laughing about it and also he finds glee in emaciating animals by shoving their asses into cages and locking them. He also eats 299 eggs every day to keep his Eggman size.

Sonic: Dr Eggman, you won’t get away with this
Dr Eggman: jokes on you fucktard I already planted a bomb in the orphanage.

Sonic: not if I believe in my friends
*gun shots*
Dr Eggman: sonic is no more

by Trumpthecoolkidswagger March 20, 2019

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Dr. Danny

A person who blows coke, fucks hookers and moves to the caribbean to molest students.

Paul left the US and showed up in the Caribbean to be Dr. Danny for a caribbean medical school.

by Eltrombopag November 26, 2010

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Dr. Funkenstein

Dr. Amos Funkenstein (1937-1995). Jewish historical scholar, author of such works as Perceptions of Jewish History from Antiquity to the Present (Tel Aviv, 1991). Probably nowhere near as cool as his name implies.

"I follow the late scholar of Jewish thought, Dr. Funkenstein, in defining historical consciousness as a useful and neglected middle term in this debate"

- Susan A. Crane, 'Writing the Individual Back into Collective Memory', The American Historical Review, 102, 5 (Dec 1997), p.1373.

by historygeek July 11, 2006

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Dr. Greenthumb

the guy who everyone knows sells pot but is yet to be caught. He may possibly be your dealer, mostly likely grows his own stuff or has a large supply, often cheap sometimes medical
usually dosent smoke his own stuff.

person1: so who are we looking for?
person2: my Dr. Greenthumb
person1: oh that dude that stands in the ally by safeway with the afro and trench coat and box of lighters?

cop1:that guy in the hoodie over there is a Dr. Greenthumb
cop2: i know but he never has any on him or at his house.

by Daaaaaaaadddddddd July 20, 2010

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Freedom Dr.

The place where you can always come to get weed if you live on the west end of Belleville, IL

"Nigga if u lookin for that Tooty fruit, go to Freedom Dr. Behind Creehan's Pub

by 618Nigga June 19, 2008

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