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bongo fever

having an unstopable urge to go the the nearest club and dance worse than a retarded ape

"bongo fever" your 10 bottles of blue WKD worse off and its saturday night. so you and your friends put your war paint on and shorest skirts and go the the bongo!

by skunk(69) August 11, 2011

Red Fever

A huge sexual fetish for Native American/First Nation women by non-native men

It was well known the Conquistadors had the Red Fever.

by Souploop March 1, 2021

Allah Fever

Interracial relationship, namely between Arabic people and White people.

Friend 1- Ayyye bro, did you hear that Brenda left Tyler for Mohammed?

Friend 2- Yeah bro, she got that mad Allah fever bro

by Tankerty March 29, 2018

poon fever

when a guy is trying to get some poon and the need is so strong it is making him sick with the poon fever. its pretty self explanatory

Logan cant go to the game cuz hes got the poon fever. i need a gas mask cuz that shit is contagious!

by jamespeters August 27, 2015

zero fever

the newest EP from 8 member kpop group ATEEZ consisting of 7 songs.

"hey, did you listen to Zero fever yet?"
"Yeah, it's pretty good, and I really like Mingi's rap in THANXX!"

by mkjrnhuvrvruhhr December 15, 2020

Whore fever

The act of being around whores and catching an illness.

I hung around Judy and her whore friends so much that I caught whore fever.

by love&faith0010 April 1, 2019

Father Fever

Wanting to be a dad really bad.

"I have been wanting kids for a really long time, I have father fever!"

by shuknowwhtimean July 30, 2015