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crushing clams

Slamming clams (vaginas) so hard that you can't use your clam for a week or so. It hurts to wipe after a pee! Sissoring, bumping biscuits and cross crossing pussys.

Renee and Lisa'were crushing clams so hard she couldn't sit for a week!

by Glamma69 January 4, 2017

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When a woman of a certain age has a crush on a younger boy that is maternal rather than romantic or sexual.

I have a Mom-crush on Cam Newton. I want to make him a grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup and listen to him tell me about Super Bowl practice.

by gee pom February 2, 2016

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Cherry Crush

1.A person that you've had a crush on for longer than a year.
2.Someone who's cherry you want to crush. (pop)
3.Someone you are insanely in love with.
4.Someone who everyone loves.

Person 1: bro you like (so and so)
Person 2: ya bro for like 3 years now
Person 1: Damn dude she's your cherry crush

Person 1: Bro look at (so and so)
Person 2: ya dude she's my cherry crush.
Person 1: think you're too late on that one bro.

Person 1: (so and so) I love them so much. (he|she|it) is my cherry crush.

Person1: (so and so) god I love them
Person 2: I do too!
Person 3: SAME!!!
Narrator:(so and so) is the worlds cherry crush

by alternative_silence November 23, 2016

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Crush burger

Forcing sex on a man smaller than yourself.

Being the largest inmate Ben had his pick of the prisoners when he wanted to crush burger.

by azz044 February 8, 2010

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Dude Crush

A straight-up, old-fashioned "I want to jump your bones" crush attempting to disguise itself as a more socially acceptable Man Crush. This definition is one I thought up for the term, but there really should be a word for this because it happens often enough.

Red Mist totally had a Dude Crush on Kick-Ass in the movie!

by venuspluto67 April 24, 2010

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half crush

when you are in the middle of not liking someone and having a crush on them

can also mean confusion over whether a crush is present

Bob: Jane is so nice!

Rob: do you have a crush on her?

Bob: not really. i think its just a half crush.

by gurududeman May 9, 2010

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bandwagon crush

When you have a crush on someone just because they're Rich or famous. No actual beauty is involved in the liking of this person

"that Finn wolfhard kid is such a bandwagon crush, it pisses me off"

by John Makarov January 27, 2018